July 30, 2024

Decoding Project 2025: An Introduction to a Radical Conservative Agenda

Could a radical agenda reshape America as we know it? Join us in episode 84 as we kick off our mini-series on Project 2025, a far-reaching plan from far-right Christian nationalists eyeing a potential Trump administration.

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This episode was edited by Kevin Tanner. Learn more about him and his services here:

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00:00 - Project 2025

14:31 - Propaganda and Manipulation in Politics

19:30 - The Project 2025 Overview and Analysis


00:00:00.239 --> 00:00:00.600
In quotes.

00:00:00.600 --> 00:00:06.653
Here we are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

00:00:07.701 --> 00:00:09.208
Oh, my God.

00:00:19.381 --> 00:00:23.928
Welcome back to the United she Stands podcast, the show that brings kindness and women into politics.

00:00:23.928 --> 00:00:24.810
I'm Ashley.

00:00:25.231 --> 00:00:34.732
And I'm Sarah, and we're two women from Ohio who are here to become more educated about American politics and build a community so we can all get involved and make an impact together.

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We hope we'll inspire and empower you along the way.

00:00:49.149 --> 00:00:52.411
Hello and welcome back to the United she Stands podcast.

00:00:52.411 --> 00:00:57.753
This week we are kicking off the first of what will be a few episodes on Project 2025.

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Making sure as many people as possible are aware of Project 2025 is so critical, so we're starting here by sharing with you and hoping you will help spread the word and share with others.

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But before we do, let's have one light moment.

00:01:11.159 --> 00:01:13.105
Today, sarah, what are we drinking?

00:01:13.706 --> 00:01:15.552
Let's talk about the beer.

00:01:15.552 --> 00:01:20.081
I am drinking another Jackie O's beer called Endless Echoes.

00:01:20.081 --> 00:01:22.025
It is a delicious IPA.

00:01:22.344 --> 00:01:22.786
What about you?

00:01:22.786 --> 00:01:27.611
I have a non-alcoholic from Untitled Arts and it's a mango.

00:01:27.611 --> 00:01:29.293
Dragon fruit, fruited sour.

00:01:29.774 --> 00:01:30.935
Wow, all the fruits.

00:01:31.376 --> 00:01:31.936
It's delicious.

00:01:32.359 --> 00:01:33.384
It comes right up your alley.

00:01:33.384 --> 00:01:35.109
It really does, it is for sure.

00:01:35.109 --> 00:01:39.650
Okay, so what is Project 2025?

00:01:39.650 --> 00:02:18.027
We're going to start at a high level here, but it is the plan laid out for Trump if he wins the election in November, and it's a plan put together by a collection of radical right Christian nationalists that is thorough and includes steps to dismantle federal agencies and recruit and appoint Trump loyalists to appointee positions, among other things like ban abortion and contraception and make it legal to discriminate against the LGBT plus community, move us towards a military state by making law enforcement answer only to the president, use the Justice Department to take away power from state and local elected officials when the president doesn't like how they are doing things, etc.

00:02:18.027 --> 00:02:18.308

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00:02:20.180 --> 00:02:29.812
The document that is really the bulk of this plan and what we'll be talking a lot about is just so brainwashy and full of propaganda, and I haven't even read the full thing, I've just get into it.

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It's honestly kind of a terrifying read for anyone that's not like drinking the mega Kool-Aid.

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I say this not to scare you or be dramatic, but unfortunately it really is very extreme.

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Honestly, it's a really comprehensive plan to dismantle components of our democracy and throughout a few episodes over the coming weeks we are going to walk through that, specifically that 900-page document.

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Our purpose here is to just help you fully understand the threat in its entirety, because that's really, at the end of the day, what this plan is.

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It is a threat to a lot of democratic components of our current government.

00:03:05.838 --> 00:03:11.382
So we're going to define Christian nationalism real quick, because it's basically the driver behind Project 2025.

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Let's start with nationalism.

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Nationalism is a modern ideology that emphasizes the loyalty and devotion of individuals to the nation, and maybe you're thinking that doesn't sound so bad.

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Patriotism is good, but we want to be clear here.

00:03:24.782 --> 00:03:28.086
There's a big difference between nationalism and patriotism.

00:03:28.086 --> 00:03:37.015
Nationalism is based on the belief that one's nation is superior to others, while patriotism is based on one's love and devotion to the country.

00:03:37.015 --> 00:03:43.069
If you need an example, adolf Hitler was a right-wing nationalist who obviously was very extreme.

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And now let's tie it all together.

00:03:44.513 --> 00:03:46.828
Wing nationalist, who obviously was very extreme, and now let's tie it all together.

00:03:46.828 --> 00:03:50.143
Christian nationalism is an ideology that believes Christianity should play a major role in governing.

00:03:50.143 --> 00:03:57.289
Christian nationalists want to legislate civil and criminal laws that reflect their view of Christianity and the role it should play in political and social life.

00:03:57.289 --> 00:04:02.661
So they want their Christian beliefs to govern all people, despite the religion you believe or don't believe in.

00:04:02.661 --> 00:04:35.024
They believe their religion and viewpoints and people who practice their religion are superior and real quick here I just want to make a note because we posted something recently on social and it kind of made me realize that I think like sometimes Christians can take offense to like this rhetoric around Christian nationalism and it's really important to say like Christian nationalism is not Christianity, like I would almost argue it's the exact opposite of what a Christian, a normal Christian person, would want, or you know, the values and ideas behind it are opposing to normal Christianity is what I would argue.

00:04:35.300 --> 00:04:40.086
So just to kind of be clear on that yeah, yeah, good call, okay, so back to Project 2025.

00:04:40.086 --> 00:05:02.654
Here's the language directly from the homepage of project2025.org In quotes of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project.

00:05:02.654 --> 00:05:09.050
The project will build on four pillars that will collectively pave the way for an effective conservative administration.

00:05:09.050 --> 00:05:17.067
Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained and prepared conservatives to go work on day one to deconstruct the administrative state.

00:05:17.067 --> 00:05:25.870
So, basically, this is the plan they have laid out if slash when a radical conservative, aka Donald Trump, gets elected to the White House.

00:05:26.240 --> 00:05:38.932
We're going to focus most of this episode on those four pillars the ones they mentioned on the website that make up this plan, but before we do, we would be remiss to not make sure you guys are aware of really who organized this effort, and that is the Heritage Foundation.

00:05:38.932 --> 00:05:49.043
Now, if you pay attention to politics at all, you may have heard of them, and if you haven't, no worries, we're about to catch you up.

00:05:49.043 --> 00:06:01.072
The Heritage Foundation is a think tank that, especially in recent years, is more for far-right extremist conservative ideas and values, and you'll get a taste for their ideas and values as we deep dive into some of their proposed policies in future episodes, but for now, just know that this is a radically right organization organizing Project 2025.

00:06:01.339 --> 00:06:02.523
While they're organizing it.

00:06:02.523 --> 00:06:08.024
Project 2025 is the effort of a very large coalition of conservative organizations.

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To give you an idea of who belongs to this coalition the American Conservative Magazine, americans United for Life, coalition for Liberty, gun Owners Foundation, honest Elections Project, and the list goes on.

00:06:21.350 --> 00:06:31.254
Organizations focused on eliminating abortion access, ensuring no gun safety laws are passed, using lies and deception to make folks doubt things like our election system, etc.

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And the list of the organizations here is large.

00:06:34.425 --> 00:06:38.934
You can see that full list on the advisory board page of Project2025.org.

00:06:39.240 --> 00:06:52.196
Okay, so hopefully you get the point here, project 2025 is something created and organized by extremists on the right side of the political spectrum, really Christian nationalists, and it's important to note that this is a place on the political spectrum that most Americans do not sit.

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The majority of Americans are not on the radically right or left, but this is the plan that conservatives and now, in this case, the GOP, because Trump is their nominee that is the plan they plan to implement.

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We know that Trump in recent days has tried to distance himself from this plan and this group, but he has ties to it in really so many ways.

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We actually prepped this episode before he came out trying to distance himself.

00:07:14.521 --> 00:07:18.029
So right now we don't have receipts, but we will pull them for future episodes.

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His hands are all over Project 2025.

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So let's dive into the plan and we'll start by circling back to those four pillars.

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The first is policy agenda, and this is likely the pillar you've heard about.

00:07:29.314 --> 00:07:51.144
If you've heard of Project 2025 in any way, if you've heard about a 900 page document mandating things like no abortion access, the firing of experts across government agencies so they can be replaced by MAGA loyalists, which will enable the president to make fundamental changes across the country without Congress, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, then this is what folks, articles, whatever you have heard we're referencing.

00:07:51.665 --> 00:07:53.689
So let's look at this policy agenda pillar.

00:07:53.689 --> 00:08:06.449
The summary for this pillar from the website is this this comprehensive policy guide for the incoming presidential administration will offer specific proposals for every major issue facing the country, pulling from the expertise of the entire conservative movement.

00:08:06.449 --> 00:08:15.278
This is the 920 page document we've been talking about and it's titled mandate for leadership, the conservative promise, which is available to the public.

00:08:15.278 --> 00:08:21.144
You can download from their website and you best believe we did and we've been reading it and there's really a lot to unpack.

00:08:21.204 --> 00:08:25.644
But at a high level it starts off with a note to the reader and it's like two pages, so we're not gonna read the whole thing.

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High level, it starts off with a note to the reader and it's like two pages, so we're not going to read the whole thing to you, but it starts off like this in quotes the 2025 presidential transition project is the conservative movement's unified effort to be ready for the next conservative administration to govern at 12 o'clock noon, january 20th 2025.

00:08:41.066 --> 00:08:42.369
Welcome to the mission.

00:08:42.369 --> 00:08:44.716
By opening this book, you are now a part of it.

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Indeed, one set of eyes reading these passages will be those of the 47th president of the United States, and we hope every other reader will join in making the incoming administration a success.

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It goes on to say the federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before.

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The task at hand to reverse this tide and restore our republic to its original moorings is too great for any one conservative policy shop to spearhead.

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It requires the collective action of our movement.

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We won't read you more, but hopefully that helps you understand the tone, which is that our conservative values are at risk.

00:09:19.662 --> 00:09:22.086
The liberals, the immigrants, etc.

00:09:22.086 --> 00:09:25.072
Whoever their target of choices at the time, are to blame.

00:09:25.072 --> 00:09:28.489
Now they don't come out directly and say those exact words.

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Right, but it's the tone.

00:09:29.493 --> 00:09:32.123
It's very on brand with Donald Trump's rhetoric.

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These are all things he says.

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He pits Americans against one another and calls nationalism patriotism.

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To him and this movement, americans, people's neighbors, family and friends are the enemy.

00:09:43.445 --> 00:09:56.022
This document has the same vibes here, guys, but in much more eloquent writing than the rambling speeches we usually have to endure from so after the note there's a foreword by kevin d roberts, who is the president of the heritage foundation.

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To be honest, the forward here makes the note section seem tame, so once again, I don't think that we can paraphrase some of this, so we're going to give you some exact words from Kevin Roberts here In quotes.

00:10:07.581 --> 00:10:14.559
Today, america and the conservative movement are enduring an era of division and danger akin to the late 1970s.

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Now as then, our political class has been discredited by wholesale dishonesty and corruption.

00:10:20.360 --> 00:10:23.831
Look at America under the ruling and cultural elite today.

00:10:23.831 --> 00:10:35.750
Inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths continue to escalate and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism and with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.

00:10:35.750 --> 00:10:51.561
Overseas, a totalitarian communist dictatorship in Beijing is engaged in a strategic, cultural and economic cold war against America's interests, values and people, all while globalist elites in Washington awaken only slowly to that growing threat.

00:10:51.561 --> 00:10:56.633
Moreover, low-income communities are drowning in addiction and government dependence.

00:10:56.633 --> 00:11:07.221
Contemporary elites have even repurposed the worst ingredients of 1970s radical chic to build the totalitarian cult known today as the Great Awakening.

00:11:07.562 --> 00:11:14.687
He goes on to explain that the mandate for leadership, aka this document, was actually created in the 1970s, before Reagan took office.

00:11:14.687 --> 00:11:23.505
He boasts that the version of this mandate for leadership that was published the month Reagan took office had 60% of its policies implemented during Reagan's administration.

00:11:23.505 --> 00:11:24.909
He continues to forward with this.

00:11:24.909 --> 00:11:30.513
The bad news today is that our political establishment and cultural elite have once again driven America toward decline.

00:11:30.513 --> 00:11:45.720
The good news is that we know the way out, even though the challenges today are not what they were in the 1970s, conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy and defeat the anti-American left at home and abroad.

00:11:45.720 --> 00:11:47.408
We did it before and we'll do it again.

00:11:47.408 --> 00:11:49.456
So just like Right.

00:11:49.456 --> 00:11:51.278
So much for divisive rhetoric.

00:11:51.278 --> 00:11:57.756
I mean like the anti-American left, like you're calling Americans, not like anti-American, it's just so.

00:11:57.756 --> 00:12:00.706
It's so bad, yeah, it's so aggressive.

00:12:00.706 --> 00:12:03.404
So the same man, if you think that was aggressive, you just.

00:12:03.404 --> 00:12:08.163
You just pull up your britches or something Hold on to your seats folks.

00:12:08.695 --> 00:12:14.488
This same man, the president of the Heritage Foundation, spoke recently on the show Real America's Voice.

00:12:14.488 --> 00:12:20.187
He said let me speak about the radical left insisting that it has taken over our institutions.

00:12:20.187 --> 00:12:31.298
He said that the reason progressives are apoplectic right now, in the wake of the Supreme Court decision granting the president immunity from criminal prosecution, is because, in quotes, our side is winning.

00:12:31.298 --> 00:12:42.404
And here is probably the most important direct quote from him in that interview he did In quotes, here we are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

00:12:42.404 --> 00:12:49.163
Oh my God, but please tell me which side incites violence.

00:12:49.163 --> 00:12:51.190
I just don't know.

00:12:52.556 --> 00:12:56.620
I'm shook by these quotes Like oh my God.

00:12:57.604 --> 00:12:57.803

00:12:57.803 --> 00:13:07.381
So this is the guy leading the Heritage Foundation, aka the leadership involved in Project 2025, which, like I said, I know Trump has tried to distance himself from.

00:13:07.381 --> 00:13:12.462
We will provide the evidence that he is fully hands-on in this and actually just was reading an article.

00:13:12.462 --> 00:13:15.923
You know, jd Vance has been announced as his running mate and JD, he is fully hands-on in this and actually just was reading an article.

00:13:15.923 --> 00:13:16.668
You know, jd vance has been announced.

00:13:16.668 --> 00:13:22.125
This is running may and jd vance and this this guy, kevin are very close friends, um, so I mean, their hands are all over this and we'll we'll kind of show all that.

00:13:22.125 --> 00:13:25.601
But the heritage foundation is is a real thing here, guys.

00:13:27.065 --> 00:13:34.126
Oh, my goodness this guy's in charge of it, this guy that said it will be bloodless if basically anyone who opposes them allows it.

00:13:34.855 --> 00:13:44.908
That is ridiculous, okay, okay, before I go down a rabbit hole that is just not meant for anyone to hear, we'll go back to the document here.

00:13:44.908 --> 00:14:01.845
He ends this section about how America is doomed if we aren't a Christian nation and moves on to the actual information about the plan, and he lays out four broad fronts that will decide America's future, and they are one restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.

00:14:01.845 --> 00:14:07.322
Two, dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.

00:14:07.322 --> 00:14:12.644
Three, defend our nation's sovereignty, borders and bounty against global threats.

00:14:12.644 --> 00:14:19.628
And four, secure our God-given individual rights to live freely, what our constitution calls the blessings of liberty.

00:14:20.350 --> 00:14:22.155
This forward is like 15 pages long.

00:14:22.155 --> 00:14:25.625
Obviously we can't read it all, but he does go into those four points we just read.

00:14:25.686 --> 00:14:30.696
So if that caught, your interest, you can go download that document from project2025.org and read it yourself.

00:14:30.696 --> 00:14:43.385
The point here is and what we hope you took away from the pieces we shared is the tone, again, the tone of this document and the frame of mind that the people who organized and are writing this and will try to implement these policies are in.

00:14:43.385 --> 00:14:47.403
It's just, you know, I think so important to understand the mindset.

00:14:47.403 --> 00:14:51.017
So, before we continue, let's take a moment to reflect how are you feeling, sarah?

00:14:51.378 --> 00:14:52.479
Not well, not well at all.

00:14:52.479 --> 00:15:01.831
So Ashley prepped this episode and I've only I've done minimal research on Project 2025.

00:15:01.831 --> 00:15:15.325
I listened to a handful of podcasts about it and whatnot, and have read some articles, but not nearly, have not gotten nearly as deep as Ashley has, and it's I just like reading the quotes from the forward.

00:15:15.325 --> 00:15:20.359
I'm like, oh, my goodness, we are in for a doozy.

00:15:20.359 --> 00:15:23.184
And that is just me being very, very, very PG.

00:15:23.745 --> 00:15:27.701
Yeah, and it's crazy because I felt the same way when I started doing this, like reading.

00:15:27.701 --> 00:15:37.928
Once I downloaded the document, I started reading it because, rightfully so, what I've seen about project 2025 so far focuses very much on the policies, right and right, like I said, rightfully so.

00:15:37.928 --> 00:15:42.385
That is what is gonna, if this happens and becomes reality, what's really going to impact our day-to-day life.

00:15:42.385 --> 00:15:54.265
But it's a straight propaganda pamphlet, a 900 page propaganda pamphlet that I have not seen a single person really quote any of this type of rhetoric which we are recording.

00:15:54.306 --> 00:16:05.260
This, uh, you know, post the attempted assassination of donald trump and this whole, just I would say like call for unity, which you know, we know, is such bs.

00:16:05.260 --> 00:16:06.804
We've seen this stuff, they've.

00:16:06.804 --> 00:16:15.322
You know, the mega republicans are already saying and doing jd vance is one of them that was very, not probably appropriate for something being post an assassination attempt.

00:16:15.322 --> 00:16:24.077
But like this, this rhetoric, it's all in here, it has been written for years, it's they've been working on this document for how long Like this is their mindset and it's just so crazy.

00:16:24.077 --> 00:16:26.562
Yeah, yeah, it really is crazy.

00:16:26.562 --> 00:16:29.817
So I've had more time to process this than Sarah has, to be honest.

00:16:29.817 --> 00:16:34.062
So I'll tell you, kind of how my thoughts on it just so far, if you haven't picked up on it.

00:16:34.703 --> 00:16:38.349
You know we're not trying to be dramatic or like alarmist here.

00:16:38.349 --> 00:16:38.929
Like this is.

00:16:38.929 --> 00:16:39.899
This is real.

00:16:39.899 --> 00:16:41.506
I didn't make up these quotes.

00:16:41.506 --> 00:16:43.495
You know this document isn't like a far-fetched thing.

00:16:43.495 --> 00:16:47.485
This is a coalition of influential groups and people.

00:16:47.485 --> 00:16:50.597
Whether we like that or not, these are smart people who put this plan together.

00:16:50.597 --> 00:16:51.799
They are organized.

00:16:51.799 --> 00:16:59.682
They really do have a thorough understanding of how government works and how to get this agenda done, and we'll talk more about that in future episodes.

00:16:59.682 --> 00:17:02.153
But you know they've already bragged about it.

00:17:02.153 --> 00:17:03.760
Right, Like they said, we did this with Reagan.

00:17:03.760 --> 00:17:06.654
We had 60% of our policies implemented under Reagan.

00:17:07.317 --> 00:17:11.205
I think it's important to note that they were not like this.

00:17:11.205 --> 00:17:23.189
Whatever, they did work with Reagan Really the most recent president, Kevin, from our forward that, with all the nice quotes he took over in 2021 and they've really taken a far right turn since then.

00:17:23.189 --> 00:17:23.852
But they know how to do this.

00:17:23.852 --> 00:17:25.397
That's the point and it's so crazy, right?

00:17:25.397 --> 00:17:27.743
This isn't some random person spewing conspiracy theories.

00:17:27.743 --> 00:17:39.378
This is like a powerful think tank with people, of people that have a plan in place with, you know, leaders in our organizations who are well and know exactly how to create division and anger, and it's just terrifying.

00:17:39.378 --> 00:17:41.163
So that's kind of the first point.

00:17:41.163 --> 00:17:44.940
The second point I just think it's such propaganda that they tied us back to Reagan.

00:17:45.401 --> 00:17:59.416
You know, like Republicans of past decades kind of like hero worship Reagan I mean right or wrong, whether you like the guy or not like he's viewed really well among republicans and they're tying this back and trying to tie these parallels to reagan.

00:17:59.416 --> 00:18:08.232
What they do with him and and that time in the country, even like oh, we're in the same situation we were back in 1970s it's just so extra manipulative to me.

00:18:08.232 --> 00:18:12.604
Like they're already always manipulative, but I mean they lie right, like just everything they do.

00:18:12.604 --> 00:18:18.798
But this is so manipulative because it's like, if you're not really paying attention, to be honest, a lot of their stuff sounds rosy.

00:18:18.798 --> 00:18:20.683
When you read it it doesn't sound that bad.

00:18:20.683 --> 00:18:22.167
It's like american values.

00:18:22.167 --> 00:18:24.221
Yeah, well, it's not all american values.

00:18:24.221 --> 00:18:29.838
It's like american values where, like you can't take birth control, that's their value like it's not so.

00:18:29.858 --> 00:18:45.459
It's just like this rosy colored glass and now they're tying it to reagan and if someone really, like at a high level, didn't look into this deep, it's just so easy to be manipulated by that and I think it's crazy yeah, no to your point of like some of their verbiage not sounding like too terrible off the bat.

00:18:45.479 --> 00:18:54.942
Like, honestly, the four pillars, like if you are just, you know, trying to get a base level understanding to read and you read the four pillars you must have.

00:18:54.942 --> 00:19:01.983
But you're like okay, like, yeah, like you said, american values, um, to protect our children, blah, blah.

00:19:01.983 --> 00:19:08.082
Like yeah, okay, okay, um, you know, our, our individual rights to live freely cool, yeah, that sounds great.

00:19:08.082 --> 00:19:17.217
But like, yeah, like to your point everything behind it and what they actually mean by those words is not not good, not OK, no, it's just.

00:19:17.818 --> 00:19:20.484
Yeah, like I said, it's such to be honest.

00:19:20.484 --> 00:19:21.708
It's great propaganda.

00:19:21.708 --> 00:19:22.817
Yeah, oh yeah, they're killing it.

00:19:22.817 --> 00:19:26.727
Yeah, they crushed it, but it's awful for America.

00:19:26.855 --> 00:19:29.082
Yes, absolutely OK.

00:19:29.082 --> 00:19:30.486
Ok, let's move on here.

00:19:30.486 --> 00:19:40.200
After all the propaganda in the note and the forward, there are then five sections in this mandate, and those five sections are the policy proposals we'll be diving into in future episodes.

00:19:40.200 --> 00:19:49.696
So we won't go into much detail, but at a high level we'll cover them here, first being taking the reins of government, and this one sounds pretty self-explanatory.

00:19:50.038 --> 00:19:51.161
We'll find out when we learn more.

00:19:51.161 --> 00:19:58.065
But yeah, the second is the common defense, and this includes chapters on the departments of defense, state and homeland security.

00:19:58.065 --> 00:20:04.015
It also includes chapters on the intelligence community and media agencies, which I just find so interesting.

00:20:04.015 --> 00:20:07.303
That media, like how does media relate to defense?

00:20:07.303 --> 00:20:09.555
That's kind of beyond me, but I'll let you know once.

00:20:09.595 --> 00:20:11.298
I read the section With you on that one.

00:20:11.298 --> 00:20:21.742
The third here is the general welfare, and this has chapters on the Department of Agriculture, energy, education, transportation, justice, interior, labor, etc.

00:20:22.434 --> 00:20:23.641
The next one's the economy.

00:20:23.641 --> 00:20:28.267
Some of the chapters here are on trade, the Department of Commerce and Treasury and the Federal Reserve.

00:20:28.454 --> 00:20:35.723
And lastly, there's the independent regulatory agencies, so this has chapters on things like the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Election Commission.

00:20:36.204 --> 00:20:44.500
We're going to talk pretty much solely about this pillar, like we've mentioned, in several future episodes, after we finish reading the document, but for now we're just going to leave it there.

00:20:44.500 --> 00:20:47.778
So just to quickly recap so far this was just the first pillar.

00:20:47.778 --> 00:20:52.175
The first pillar is policy and the mandate on leadership document is basically that pillar.

00:20:52.657 --> 00:20:56.807
And so moving on to the second pillar, and that is personnel database.

00:20:56.807 --> 00:21:01.140
So the summary for this pillar from the website is in quotes.

00:21:01.140 --> 00:21:07.490
The most comprehensive policy agenda will have only limited impact without the right people in place to implement it.

00:21:07.490 --> 00:21:15.087
The project will cast a net across the country to identify conservatives from all walks of life to serve in the next conservative administration.

00:21:15.489 --> 00:21:18.775
They liken this pillar to like a LinkedIn for conservatives.

00:21:18.775 --> 00:21:22.546
So basically it's going to be a list of folks who are willing to be loyal to Trump.

00:21:22.546 --> 00:21:33.299
You literally have to apply to get into the database and I did click the link because I was curious, but they wanted me to like make a login and I didn't want my information with the crazy like conservative people.

00:21:33.299 --> 00:21:40.644
I didn't want people calling me and then I also didn't want them looking at my voting history and who knows what else are you getting targeted ads now, no, I, I only like.

00:21:40.684 --> 00:21:44.684
I clicked, but I didn't enter a single good, and so, oh my goodness, we'll see.

00:21:44.684 --> 00:21:45.949
Yeah, we'll see how it goes.

00:21:45.949 --> 00:21:50.098
But, um, basically the whole point is you have to apply, so you really have to be like a mega.

00:21:50.098 --> 00:21:51.761
You have to probably prove that you're a mega loyalist.

00:21:51.761 --> 00:21:55.027
I mean right, they're not going to let you in if you've there's any question.

00:21:55.228 --> 00:22:02.435
Yeah, really yeah the first thing they would find is this episode, and they'd be like hell nah yeah, they'd be like we've seen your instagram account.

00:22:02.476 --> 00:22:03.417
You're on no, no, no.

00:22:03.417 --> 00:22:06.424
So let's talk about this.

00:22:06.424 --> 00:22:12.604
Since there's not a ton of information out there on it, let's talk about this just in the realm of like diversity of thought.

00:22:12.604 --> 00:22:16.121
Right, like they're basically making a database for a bunch of yes people for Trump.

00:22:16.121 --> 00:22:20.662
But we know how important diversity of thought is, and studies and data back that up.

00:22:20.662 --> 00:22:23.423
So diversity leads to better decision-making.

00:22:23.423 --> 00:22:28.784
Teams outperform individuals when making decisions, and that improves as diversity increases.

00:22:28.784 --> 00:22:34.680
Research showed that diverse teams are better at making decisions 87% of the time over non-diverse teams.

00:22:34.680 --> 00:22:38.625
Diverse teams offer broader perspectives and bring more information to the table.

00:22:39.154 --> 00:22:41.924
Next is diversity has been shown to boost creativity.

00:22:41.924 --> 00:22:50.288
When people come from different backgrounds, have a variety of life experiences and see the world in unique ways, multiple perspectives are brought to the table.

00:22:50.288 --> 00:22:55.483
Diverse groups can bring big ideas and creative solutions to the table from thinking outside the box.

00:22:56.144 --> 00:22:59.939
And lastly, we know diverse organizations are more profitable and successful.

00:22:59.939 --> 00:23:10.603
Analysis of 2019 data shows that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity within executive teams were 25% more likely than companies in the fourth quartile to have above average profitability.

00:23:10.603 --> 00:23:18.644
Obviously, that quote is business related, but if business teams are more successful, wouldn't we want our government to be more successful in their endeavors as well?

00:23:19.006 --> 00:23:19.507
That sounds nice.

00:23:19.507 --> 00:23:23.265
The point is I'm sorry, no it does, it is, it does, doesn't it.

00:23:23.455 --> 00:23:24.339
It sounds so nice.

00:23:24.339 --> 00:23:31.557
The point is this the data shows that more diverse groups of people perform better, they're more creative and they make better decisions.

00:23:31.557 --> 00:23:38.669
We should want an administration that wants diversity of thought and not, yes, men and women who will do whatever they are told without thinking.

00:23:39.510 --> 00:23:47.201
All right, let's go to the third pillar, which is training, and this training is in relation to those loyalists they are collecting in the personnel database in Pillar 2.

00:23:47.201 --> 00:23:54.101
The summary for this pillar from the website is quotes to turn this talent pool into effective conservative administrators.

00:23:54.101 --> 00:24:03.542
The project will bring together experts who have served in prior administrations and can share their knowledge through workshops, seminars, online videos and mentorship.

00:24:03.950 --> 00:24:08.942
Their training is called Presidential Administration Academy, and here is what the website says it is.

00:24:08.942 --> 00:24:20.084
The Presidential Administration Academy is a one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on day one of the next conservative administration.

00:24:20.084 --> 00:24:31.498
This academy provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.

00:24:32.121 --> 00:24:43.236
It says you'll learn a slew of things prepping you for a presidential appointment, including the federal budget process, how to work with the media, recognizing and addressing the dangers of the administrative state, etc.

00:24:43.236 --> 00:24:47.684
This academy is a fully online program where participants can take courses on demand.

00:24:47.684 --> 00:24:53.752
As the presidential election approaches, they will be adding additional online courses and in-person training sessions.

00:24:53.752 --> 00:24:57.770
Intense instruction tailored for high-level positions will be in person.

00:24:57.770 --> 00:25:06.642
The academy offers individual classes as well as full certificate programs, which include prepared to serve and conservative governance 101 certificates.

00:25:07.210 --> 00:25:10.097
I mean, some of this is probably like legit stuff.

00:25:10.097 --> 00:25:13.256
Someone should know, I guess, if they're going to get like an appointed position somewhere.

00:25:13.256 --> 00:25:16.614
But mostly this just screams indoctrination to me.

00:25:16.614 --> 00:25:20.162
Yeah, like we already know they want loyalists.

00:25:20.162 --> 00:25:31.221
We want, you know, like we want people who think like us already, and then we're going to make sure they know the system and how to work it and also give them like a conservative class to make sure they think about policy exactly like they do.

00:25:31.410 --> 00:25:33.759
They're cherry picking and then they're brainwashing.

00:25:33.759 --> 00:25:35.369
It's honestly insane, yeah.

00:25:35.369 --> 00:25:39.505
And finally, the fourth pillar is the 180 day playbook.

00:25:39.505 --> 00:25:44.236
The summary for this pillar from the website is the time is short and conservatives need a plan.

00:25:44.236 --> 00:25:54.891
The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the left's devastating policies.

00:25:55.893 --> 00:25:57.777
Oh, scary right.

00:25:57.777 --> 00:26:11.477
The only other real thing I could find on the website for this pillar was this the fourth pillar of Project 2025 is our 180-Day Transition Playbook and includes a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency.

00:26:11.477 --> 00:26:16.634
To be honest, I'm not sure why this is called out as its own pillar, because it really points.

00:26:16.634 --> 00:26:23.160
It seems to me like they're just pointing back to that mandate for leadership document from Pillar 1, where basically, they can say people can learn more there.

00:26:23.160 --> 00:26:29.077
So I don't know, maybe when they get closer to the election they'll have it.

00:26:29.077 --> 00:26:29.761
I don't know exactly what this is.

00:26:29.761 --> 00:26:32.071
Yeah, so if anyone is listening, knows any more about this pillar, send it our way.

00:26:32.071 --> 00:26:34.901
We'll read about it and maybe put in a future episode.

00:26:34.901 --> 00:26:38.714
So that's the introduction and overview of Project 2025.

00:26:38.714 --> 00:26:39.916
What do we think, Sarah?

00:26:40.498 --> 00:26:58.002
I knew this was some really bad stuff from the get-go, but what I have found most interesting is Trump coming out and saying that he has no idea what Project 2025 is.

00:26:58.002 --> 00:26:58.423
Blah, blah, blah, blah.

00:26:58.423 --> 00:27:04.934
So like I'm so excited to get into that and just be like, ah, that's so wrong and it's just so funny that now that it's you know, starting within the past, like to become so big.

00:27:04.934 --> 00:27:08.519
He's like oh, I don't know what that is, oh, what?

00:27:08.519 --> 00:27:12.443
Like honestly, you saying that you don't know what it is makes you look even more dumb.

00:27:12.544 --> 00:27:21.042
So like I don't know what to tell you, man yeah, I mean it's um, I think we should definitely start the next episode with that.

00:27:21.042 --> 00:27:24.597
So, guys, we'll, we'll plan to do that because we'll just start with all the ties.

00:27:24.597 --> 00:27:31.702
I mean, they have them, they're all over, everyone's already, you know, sharing them and people are already doing the research and journalism to find them.

00:27:31.702 --> 00:27:37.770
But we will collect them and make it very evident why Trump will be using this plan if he gets an office.

00:27:37.770 --> 00:27:38.672
Yeah, for sure.

00:27:39.313 --> 00:27:41.796
Do you have any other thoughts on the?

00:27:41.836 --> 00:27:42.217

00:27:42.217 --> 00:27:44.579
I think I ranted enough and shared my thoughts.

00:27:44.579 --> 00:27:47.222
It's just the crazy part is just think about how you feel.

00:27:47.222 --> 00:27:48.965
Now we haven't even, like, touched on policy.

00:27:48.965 --> 00:27:57.299
So once we, you know, once we really get into that policy of the plans that they intend to do.

00:27:57.319 --> 00:27:59.826
I think, yeah, it's going to be something.

00:27:59.826 --> 00:28:05.863
It's going to be something Okay, and with that let's wrap up this episode, this introduction to Project 2025.

00:28:05.863 --> 00:28:14.357
So I know we haven't gotten into what we call the juicier stuff yet, but we think it's important to understand how comprehensive and thought out this effort is.

00:28:14.357 --> 00:28:25.874
Yes, there is a policy book, but, as you heard, there's also a plan to implement that policy book through creating and training or really indoctrinating people to be ready to serve Trump and make this plan happen.

00:28:25.874 --> 00:28:42.938
So, now that you understand there's a policy plan and a plan to implement that policy plan, we are going to get into the policy pillar, that 900 page document, in the upcoming weeks, as we've mentioned a few times, so we can really understand what this plan lays out and the America they are trying to create with it.

00:28:43.499 --> 00:28:50.215
So we have to co-read a lot more in prep slides for you guys, but in the meantime, please share this with friends and family.

00:28:50.215 --> 00:28:55.253
We need people to be aware of Project 2025 and understand really what's at stake in this election.

00:28:55.253 --> 00:29:00.491
Thank you guys, so much for listening this week and we will catch you next week, and you gotta keep your head up.

00:29:01.192 --> 00:29:03.055
Oh, you can let your head up.

00:29:03.055 --> 00:29:12.425
Thanks for joining us for today's episode.

00:29:12.425 --> 00:29:13.996
We really appreciate the support.

00:29:14.692 --> 00:29:19.455
We would also really appreciate it if you hit the follow button and share this episode with anyone you think would enjoy it.

00:29:19.913 --> 00:29:22.736
And we'd like to thank Kevin Tanner, who edited this episode.

00:29:22.736 --> 00:29:27.982
If you're interested in learning more about him and his services, his website and Instagram are in the show notes.

00:29:28.470 --> 00:29:42.844
With that, we'll see you next week and he lays out four broad front.

00:29:43.104 --> 00:29:48.353
Well, and he lays out, and he lays out four broad fronts that will decide america's future.

00:29:48.353 --> 00:29:54.763
Nope, three depend three.

00:29:54.763 --> 00:29:58.569
I just thought of the diapers.

00:29:58.569 --> 00:30:01.078
I didn't know when you said that.

00:30:01.078 --> 00:30:03.153
Oh my god, you know, we are recording this post the attempted assassination of donald donald.

00:30:03.173 --> 00:30:04.036
I didn't know when you said that.

00:30:04.036 --> 00:30:06.800
Oh my God, you know, we are recording this post.

00:30:06.800 --> 00:30:08.884
The attempted assassination of Donald Donald.

00:30:11.554 --> 00:30:13.294
Donald, donald, donald Donald.