Aug. 20, 2024

Decoding Project 2025: Plans for Education, Healthcare, & the Environment


00:00 - Project 2025 Policy Implications

10:00 - Attacks on Healthcare and Environment


00:00:00.261 --> 00:00:10.769
And Project 2025 states that the Department of in quotes here health and human services should return to being known as the Department of Life, by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.

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Welcome back to the United she Stands podcast, the show that brings kindness and women into politics.

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I'm Ashley.

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And I'm Sarah, and we're two women from Ohio who are here to become more educated about American politics and build a community so we can all get involved and make an impact together.

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We hope we'll inspire and empower you along the way.

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Hello and welcome back to the USS podcast.

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This week we are going to be covering more of Project 2025.

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We have two previous episodes on the topic.

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In the first one, we discussed what Project 2025 is, who's behind it, its purpose and the four pillars that make up the plan.

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We spent the second episode talking all about how that plan would enable Trump to consolidate power under himself in the executive branch, ultimately giving the presidency much more power than it has today.

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So if you missed those, be sure to go back and give them a listen.

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But today, in our third episode on this topic, we are going to talk about what Project 2025 would do in terms of policy in areas like education, healthcare, the climate, et cetera.

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Before we do that, let's talk about what we're drinking.

00:01:30.293 --> 00:01:31.402
What are you drinking, Sarah?

00:01:32.444 --> 00:01:38.861
I am drinking and Ashley, you'll be so proud of me I am drinking a Mexican lager.

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You are From where I am proud.

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Once I elaborate, it'll make a lot more sense.

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I'm drinking Atawada, which is a new Mexican lager from Jackie O's.

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It's actually a collab with the band Camp that got big.

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Well, they didn't get big in Athens, but they went to OU and started kind of their career at open mic nights at my favorite coffee shop in Athens.

00:02:02.584 --> 00:02:08.849
So, um, yes, lots of history or lots of, uh, sentimentalness with this beer.

00:02:08.849 --> 00:02:14.449
Um, I haven't had it yet, but um, maggie and Caitlin they bought a six pack of it when we were together and they gave me a beer.

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I have one in my fridge as well, from what we were together.

00:02:17.227 --> 00:02:18.871
Oh really, yeah, I do yeah.

00:02:21.746 --> 00:02:24.973
Yeah, not to steal your thunder, but you should be drinking it with me.

00:02:25.181 --> 00:02:28.400
Yeah, I didn't realize you didn't give me a heads up, or else maybe I would have.

00:02:28.400 --> 00:02:33.389
But I already cracked mine, so I'm drinking a non-alcoholic beer today.

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It's Athletic Brewing Company's Wits Peak.

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It's a Belgian-style white.

00:02:38.287 --> 00:02:40.722
Mmm, wow, okay, this Mexican.

00:02:40.722 --> 00:02:43.871
The last time I had a Mexican lager actually wasn't that long ago.

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I had a Mexican lager.

00:02:44.762 --> 00:02:45.524
Actually wasn't that long ago.

00:02:45.524 --> 00:02:47.388
I had a Corona, so you know, just like pretty average.

00:02:47.388 --> 00:02:50.033
I forgot how good craft Mexican lagers can be.

00:02:50.033 --> 00:02:51.342
I was gonna say I feel like Corona.

00:02:51.401 --> 00:02:53.448
Next to a craft beer Mexican lager is not even.

00:02:53.448 --> 00:02:56.967
Yeah, like this is delicious, I was even thinking.

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When I grabbed it out of my fridge, I'm like oh man, I don't even have any limes, but I don't need a lime for this.

00:03:01.242 --> 00:03:02.646
This is really really good to know.

00:03:02.646 --> 00:03:04.752
I love you, know, I love a good Mexican lager.

00:03:04.752 --> 00:03:05.312
Yeah, we know.

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We know we know.

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So, as Ashley mentioned, we had two other episodes that we dropped about Project 2025.

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And if you didn't catch these first two episodes, we'll give you a super brief overview of what Project 2025 is before diving in to our main topic today.

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And if you have already listened, just bear with us and enjoy this refresher here.

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So at a high level.

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Project 2025 is the plan laid out for Trump that has been put together by a collection of radical right Christian nationalists for if Trump wins the election in November.

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This plan is thorough and the policy agenda is laid out in a 900-ish page document that lays out a Christian nationalist agenda with clear steps and processes for Trump to implement if he wins the election.

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This whole plan is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, which is a conservative think take.

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A cornerstone component of this plan is to consolidate power under the executive branch, aka the presidency.

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There are several ways that they plan to do this, but one of the most impactful ways is by politicizing the civil service and ensuring Trump can appoint those loyal to him in agencies throughout our federal government, so things like the FDA, the NOAA, the DOJ, etc.

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All right, so let's jump into our first topic for today.

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We're going to talk primarily about education here, with a sprinkle of childcare.

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I initially had these as separate categories or issues, but they just kind of overlapped too much, so it was just easier to talk about them together.

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So first, there is absolutely no call for any type of plan to reduce the cost of childcare in project 2025 anywhere.

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The plan does call for the elimination of the Head Start program, which is a high-quality education program for about 750,000 children under the age of five in low-income households.

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These families, who are already struggling financially, would have to take on the extra burden of child care or education costs.

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The plan does call for the elimination of the Department of Education.

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The Department of Education provides funding for state education programs, including pre-K and kindergarten, and before and after school care programs.

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Eliminating this department would do a number of things to public education in the US, and some of those things include eliminating Title I funding, which is a federal program to help educate low-income students.

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Title I funding, which is a federal program to help educate low-income students.

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70% of public schools and half of all public school children receive education services paid for with Title I funding today.

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This also includes eliminating school nutrition programs and eliminating 180,000 teacher positions.

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In general, project 2025 seeks to divert funds away from public schools and into private and religious schools, which ultimately undermines public education.

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The plan also calls for the elimination of federal loan programs.

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This would mean that it would roll back federal student loan programs, which are critical today to ensure higher education is not just reserved for the wealthy and well-connected.

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It would take away things like the Parent PLUS loans, so parents couldn't help by borrowing money.

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It would also deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants.

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Ultimately, making education less equitable and more out of reach is bad for society.

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Studies show us that an educated population sees lower rates of unemployment, crime and drug abuse, and that countries with higher literacy rates are wealthier.

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We also know that education is good for democracy.

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Studies have shown that educated nations are more likely both to preserve democracy and to protect it from coups.

00:06:36.100 --> 00:06:47.887
So maybe we should ask the question here why would a conservative, very pro-capitalist organization and leaders want to make education more difficult to attain when we know it's good for society, the economy and democracy?

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We have our own opinions on this one, but we'll leave that question there for you to form your own as well.

00:06:53.060 --> 00:06:55.444
Dot, dot, dot, dot dot dot.

00:06:55.524 --> 00:06:56.848
I hate democracy, guys.

00:06:56.848 --> 00:06:58.391
Sorry, I didn't let you form your own opinion.

00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:01.165
Opinion has now been formed.

00:07:01.165 --> 00:07:01.666
You're welcome.

00:07:01.666 --> 00:07:04.083
I mean, still feel free to form your own.

00:07:04.142 --> 00:07:05.646
But yeah, for sure, for sure.

00:07:05.646 --> 00:07:08.994
But yeah, we showed our cards a bit, but no shame.

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So let's move on to health care, and starting with maternal and reproductive health care.

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In particular, the plan calls for reducing access to mental health services and drastically cutting Medicaid, which we know largely impacts pregnant and postpartum women, and especially women of color.

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Women would bear a disproportionate share of the burden if Medicaid is cut, because they make up a majority and by majority we mean 53% of Medicaid beneficiaries, and they are the primary utilizers of family planning and maternity care benefits.

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Medicaid provides health care for nearly half of all pregnant women, supporting them through their pregnancies and ensuring that their babies have a healthy start.

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The plan calls for reduced access to contraception, IVF and surrogacy.

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It also calls for the reversal of FDA approval of mifepristone, which is a commonly used, safe and effective abortion pill.

00:08:03.692 --> 00:08:10.882
No one can see me, but I'm doing so fun fact about Project 2025.

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And of course, by fun fact we mean not so fun.

00:08:13.177 --> 00:08:20.543
The word abortion is actually in this document 199 times with 920 pages.

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Abortion is in there 199 times.

00:08:23.559 --> 00:08:26.497
They are really, really anti-abortion here.

00:08:27.199 --> 00:08:33.500
It's insane, like it's in documents about like the Department of Defense, like I'm not even making this up.

00:08:33.500 --> 00:08:38.441
I remember looking like there's like one section on health and this abortion is like all over this document.

00:08:38.441 --> 00:08:39.692
They hate it.

00:08:39.692 --> 00:08:45.696
It is like I think one of the besides probably the executive power grab like the number one message point in the whole document.

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It's crazy like the number one message point in the whole document.

00:08:50.206 --> 00:09:02.788
It's crazy and to expand on that, they've become very quiet in terms of their like verbal campaign on their abortion stands and how abortion is what they would do if Republicans took office in November with abortion.

00:09:03.210 --> 00:09:08.034
Yeah, they realized that, like rising maternal mortality rates and women dying, is apparently bad for campaigning.

00:09:08.034 --> 00:09:11.097
So, yeah, they stop talking about it.

00:09:11.097 --> 00:09:12.678
It's crazy, I'm shocked.

00:09:12.678 --> 00:09:15.361
Okay, so back to Project 2025.

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It plans to defund Planned Parenthood, which includes health services like pap smears and STD testing.

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It also says that abortion is not health care and bans the CDC from labeling it as such or promoting it in any way as a form of health care.

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And Project 2025 states that the Department of in quotes here health and human services should return to being known as the Department of Life, by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.

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Before I completely lose my marbles, let's move on to health care changes that would impact the elderly and those with disabilities, and maybe you won't care a ton about this right now, but you should pay attention because it will impact your parents, grandparents, any seniors in your life or anyone with a disability that you care about.

00:10:00.072 --> 00:10:03.860
Project 2025 calls for drastic changes to Medicare.

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Medicare is a federal health insurance program in the United States for people aged 65 or older and younger people with disabilities.

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With the changes in Project 2025, healthcare companies could decline coverage for anything from chemotherapy to nursing home stays, even if a doctor recommends it.

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It plans to increase the retirement age from 65 to 70.

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It also plans to make Medicare Advantage the default option for Medicare enrollment.

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Medicare Advantage is Medicare coverage, but it's coverage that is managed and sold through private companies that turn a profit, instead of regular Medicare that is government run.

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Medicare Advantage's restrictive networks and unpredictable coverage makes it costly for people with chronic illnesses who need life-saving care.

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Making Advantage the default would give corporations a payday while lowering the quality of care for seniors, and it would cause many folks to have to pay significantly more out-of-pocket costs.

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With Advantage.

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Insurance companies would also be able to deny care for people with pre-existing conditions and raise the cost of essential medicines like insulin.

00:11:02.613 --> 00:11:08.153
Lastly, on the Medicare changes, it's also estimated that this would cost the government and taxpayers more money.

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Vulnerable Americans are more likely to lose access to their choice of doctors and face barriers to getting the care they need.

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It would compound health inequities.

00:11:16.785 --> 00:11:25.033
So moving on to more general health and nutrition plans from Project 2025, they call for eliminating the government's role in promoting public health.

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This includes removing CDC requirements for children to be vaccinated, and let's just take a moment here to say that vaccines are safe, effective and have led to the elimination of harmful diseases like polio and measles.

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Because of false information, people have begun to question vaccines.

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The United States had more than 1,200 cases of measles in 2019.

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This was the greatest number of cases reported in the US since 1992 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000.

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The point here is that removing CDC requirements for children to be vaccinated would be bad for our children and the general health of our country.

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Last thing we'll mention here around general nutrition and making sure people don't go hungry is that Project 2025 would make it harder for those requiring food assistance, as they plan to add requirements that have proven to be ineffective for programs like SNAP.

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So now let's move on to talk about the climate Project 2025's whole premise is that climate change is a hoax.

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Here is my shocked face.

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For those who can't see, I have no emotion on my face.

00:12:26.491 --> 00:12:34.062
So we know that the earth is warming at an unprecedented rate and that human activity is the principal cause.

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In our show notes we have an article from both NASA and climategov.

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if you know a climate denier and would like some backup on this topic, so, with that said, project 2025 plans to end regulations on the fossil fuel industry and expand offshore oil and natural gas drilling on public lands and public waters, which would further harm the environment and, just honestly, isn't necessary.

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The US is already the largest crude oil producer in the world, pumping out nearly 13 million barrels on average every day in 2023, which is an all-time record for America.

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The plan also calls to cut the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency, which is the EPA, and this would downsize it, freeze regulations and halt scientific assessments and guidance.

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All of this will ultimately make our air dirtier and worsen climate change and really expedite global warming.

00:13:21.688 --> 00:13:28.448
The plan would also repeal clean, affordable energy bills such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.

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Repealing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act would not only hurt the environment, but will also eliminate an estimated 2 million jobs per year that this act would have created over 10 years.

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The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in clean energy and climate action that the US has ever made.

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It was designed to help the US reach its climate goals, strengthen energy security, invest in America to create good-paying jobs and reduce energy and health care costs for families.

00:13:52.681 --> 00:14:00.264
Eliminating this or rolling it back would add an estimated 21 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions between now and 2050.

00:14:00.264 --> 00:14:10.605
It also takes away an investment from direct parts of the country that have been historically reliant on the fossil fuel economy and that have relatively low wages, employment and college graduation rates.

00:14:10.605 --> 00:14:16.163
This act is investing in those areas to bring better paying job opportunities, while moving us toward clean energy.

00:14:16.940 --> 00:14:28.547
So, moving on, project 2025 would also eliminate clean energy offices in the energy department that focuses on renewable energy, climate technology and energy technology research.

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They would dismantle the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is the NOAA, and is home to the National Weather Service and climate research.

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Like how greenhouse gas emissions behave, they say the NOAA is one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.

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It calls for the National Weather Service to be fully commercialized, aka privatizing this service.

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This will likely lead to the elimination of free weather forecasting and emergency alert services.

00:14:57.908 --> 00:15:05.823
So those tornado warnings or wildfire alerts you get on your phone, you can kiss them goodbye, which, like I don't know know.

00:15:05.844 --> 00:15:15.173
That just blows my mind, that is yeah, yeah, I mean it doesn't like say that directly in the plan, right, but if they privatize it, who?

00:15:15.173 --> 00:15:16.722
Who's going to provide that for free?

00:15:16.722 --> 00:15:18.187
Nobody, right?

00:15:18.187 --> 00:15:20.432
That doesn't happen in capitalism, right?

00:15:20.432 --> 00:15:24.427
So, like that's a government, that's something the government should provide.

00:15:24.447 --> 00:15:31.453
Yeah, around the weather and when have we ever, as a country, not provided it something the government should provide yeah, basic safety around weather.

00:15:31.453 --> 00:15:33.419
And when have we ever, as a country, not provided it from the government as a free service?

00:15:33.419 --> 00:15:35.682
Because that's just like, that's like.

00:15:35.743 --> 00:15:37.787
Well, science isn't real anymore, Sarah, so.

00:15:38.047 --> 00:15:38.548
That's right.

00:15:38.548 --> 00:15:39.350
What is science?

00:15:39.350 --> 00:15:40.873
Science Never heard of her.

00:15:41.234 --> 00:15:42.216
Okay, okay.

00:15:42.216 --> 00:15:47.342
So lastly, on the topic of climate, for today they even go after the animals.

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I'm sorry to tell you, they would reduce protections for endangered species, claiming that these protections are, in quotes here, currently being abused and at a cost to commercial fisheries and other industries, industry over the world.

00:15:59.932 --> 00:16:01.131
I cannot.

00:16:02.212 --> 00:16:08.798
Before we wrap, we're going to go through a few other things to note about Project 2025 that are either scary or at least jumped out at us.

00:16:08.798 --> 00:16:17.124
So it doesn't call for any type of paid leave or lay out a plan to incentivize employers to offer it.

00:16:17.124 --> 00:16:23.195
It also calls to eliminate child labor protections, remove the terms of sexual orientation and gender identity from all federal rules.

00:16:23.195 --> 00:16:25.222
They also want to ban transgender health care for youth federal rules.

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They also want to ban transgender health care for youth.

00:16:26.404 --> 00:16:27.105
A few other things here.

00:16:27.105 --> 00:16:32.195
They want to eliminate the application of sex discrimination protections for LGBTQ plus people.

00:16:32.195 --> 00:16:39.206
They want to criminalize educators who teach or read anything that has to do with sexual orientation or gender.

00:16:39.206 --> 00:16:40.028
They want to ban porn.

00:16:40.028 --> 00:16:50.335
And, lastly, it calls for a simple, two-rate tax system that includes eliminating the child tax credit and, on average, increases taxes by about $2,600 per year for a family of four.

00:16:51.059 --> 00:17:06.847
This is a 900-some page document, so there's obviously more than what we've outlined today, but hopefully this helps you understand just a little bit of a deeper level of what's going on here and just some of the policy ideas that Trump and right-wing extremists are considering or planning to implement.

00:17:07.279 --> 00:17:09.406
Okay, so let's recap before we end for the day.

00:17:09.406 --> 00:17:14.423
Project 2025 has no plan around making child care more affordable or accessible.

00:17:14.423 --> 00:17:20.271
In fact, it calls for taking away things like the Head Start program, which would make the child care situation worse for some Americans.

00:17:20.271 --> 00:17:31.067
It calls for slashing funding to public education, as well as any and all climate initiatives and, lastly, it full out attacks reproductive freedoms, including abortion, ivf and contraception.

00:17:31.067 --> 00:17:38.203
It takes away things that support maternal health care, and it would worsen health care coverage and make it more costly for senior citizens and people with disabilities.

00:17:38.203 --> 00:17:42.192
I mean, just yikes, did I miss anything, sarah?

00:17:42.192 --> 00:17:43.461
That sum it up for today.

00:17:44.063 --> 00:17:47.490
You know, I really hope you didn't miss anything, because that's plenty.

00:17:47.490 --> 00:17:49.394
That is plenty, absolutely true.

00:17:49.394 --> 00:17:54.545
So please, please, please, share this with friends and family.

00:17:54.545 --> 00:17:59.890
We need people to be aware of Project 2025 and really understand what's at stake in this election.

00:17:59.890 --> 00:18:05.801
So thank you so much for listening this week and we will catch you next time, thanks.

00:18:05.801 --> 00:18:15.193
Thanks for joining us for today's episode.

00:18:15.193 --> 00:18:16.756
We really appreciate the support.

00:18:21.079 --> 00:18:25.400
We would also really appreciate it if you hit the follow button and share this episode with anyone you think would enjoy it, and we'd like to thank Kevin Tanner, who edited this episode.

00:18:25.400 --> 00:18:31.623
If you're interested in learning more about him and his services, his website and Instagram are in the show notes with that.

00:18:31.682 --> 00:18:32.443
We'll see you next week.

00:18:45.537 --> 00:19:04.405
Okay, so as as Good start, okay, so s s a good start I was gonna say as ash, but I put them together, together politicking the civil service to be politicizing.

00:19:05.047 --> 00:19:08.309
I don't even think that's a word Politicking.

00:19:08.630 --> 00:19:14.996
It just sounds like it I was thinking politicizing, but I was like no, that definitely says politicking.

00:19:15.516 --> 00:19:16.977
You said it, I was like what the fuck?

00:19:18.863 --> 00:19:22.965
And I looked and I was like, yeah, what the fuck I finally get the word right.

00:19:22.965 --> 00:19:24.009
I know sorry.

00:19:26.059 --> 00:19:45.972
It was supposed to be politicizing word right, just project 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2025 yikes that was pretty good, though actually we like too.

00:19:45.972 --> 00:19:48.375
I feel like you should make a whole song about it.

00:19:50.060 --> 00:19:54.230
In another life I was a rapper, or I don't even know what that was.

00:19:54.230 --> 00:20:03.931
Okay, medicare Advantage, restrictive networks and what Actually?

00:20:03.931 --> 00:20:11.202
Okay, that's a foster, ps, oh fuck.

00:20:11.202 --> 00:20:11.623
And what actually?

00:20:11.623 --> 00:20:12.084
Okay, it's a foster vs.

00:20:12.084 --> 00:20:12.265
Oh fuck.

00:20:12.265 --> 00:20:13.928
Wait, no, that still doesn't check out.

00:20:13.928 --> 00:20:21.164
Okay, cool, they want to ban gender transgender?

00:20:21.164 --> 00:20:24.729
Wow, ben gender transgender.

00:20:24.729 --> 00:20:31.236
I don't even know what you just said hey, I can't wait to listen to that in the bloopers.

00:20:31.236 --> 00:20:34.590