Aug. 13, 2024

Decoding Project 2025: The Executive Power-Grab


00:00 - Trump's Project 2025 and Conservative Agenda

13:20 - Trump's Plan for Executive Overreach


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With Schedule F, trump made a pledge to overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.

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The policy was signed in the final weeks of the Trump administration, but was not fully implemented.

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President Biden rolled it back once he was in office and, per Project 2025's policy document, it should be reinstated.

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It would be one of the first moves the Trump administration would make.

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Welcome back to the United she Stands podcast, the show that brings kindness and women into politics.

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I'm Ashley and I'm Sarah, and we're two women from Ohio who are here to become more educated about American politics and build a community so we can all get involved and make an impact together.

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We hope we'll inspire and empower you along the way.

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Hello and welcome back to the USS podcast.

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This week is our second episode covering Project 2025.

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And last time we covered this project, we introduced you to Project 2025 with a high level overview of just what it is, who's behind it, its purpose and the four pillars that make the plan.

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Today, we're going to dive into the policy pillar and specifically discuss the plan laid out to significantly expand the power the executive branch has.

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Are you ready, sarah?

00:01:28.200 --> 00:01:30.608
Ready as I'll ever be, I guess let's do it.

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If you didn't catch the episode two weeks ago, we're going to give you a super brief overview of what Project 2025 is before diving into the main topic for today.

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And if you did, thanks so much for listening and please bear with us for just this two minutes here.

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I'll try to make it less than that At a high level.

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Project 2025 is the plan laid out for Trump that has been put together by a collection of radical right Christian nationalists for if Trump wins the election in November.

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Plus, the agenda is laid out in a 900-ish page document that lays out a Christian nationalist agenda with clear steps and processes for Trump to implement this agenda if he wins, and the whole plan is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

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This document is what we're going to start getting into today.

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So, before we dive into the document, we do have to talk about one thing first, and that is the fact that, even though Donald Trump continues to deny he knows what Project 2025 even is or who is behind it, we have a shit ton of receipts that say otherwise.

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We're showing them we are.

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So when folks started hearing about Project 2025, trump posted on Truth Social in quotes here I know nothing about Project 2025.

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And in quotes I have no idea who is behind it, which is interesting, since Trump spoke highly about this exact plan at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April of 2022.

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He said in quotes here.

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This is a great group and they're going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.

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In addition to Trump talking directly about and praising this plan, he supposedly knows nothing about.

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Many of Trump's closest policy advisors and those likely to take high-ranking positions in his administration if he wins, are heavily involved in this project.

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So some examples here include Director Paul Danz, who was chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management while Trump was president, Trump's former acting defense secretary, Christopher Miller.

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His former housing and urban development secretary, Ben Carson.

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His former deputy chief of staff, Rick Dearborn.

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His former Justice Department senior counsel, Gene Hamilton.

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Should we keep going?

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How about?

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John McEntee, director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, is also a senior advisor to Project 2025.

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Jonathan Berry, who was the chief counsel to the Trump presidential transition team, ken gonna butcher, his last name Cusinelli, who was the former acting deputy secretary for Homeland Security under Trump.

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And Peter Navarro, who went to prison and was a Trump advisor and, yes, he went to prison for Trump-related things.

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We should also note that Trump's former Office of Management and Budget Director, russ Vought, is one of the key authors of Project 2025 and is also the Republican National Committee's current platform policy director.

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We could legitimately keep going here, but hopefully you get the point.

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In his first term, trump boasted about enacting many of the 2016 Heritage Foundation suggestions, and the MAGA super PAC itself is funding messaging about Trump and Project 2025.

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On top of that, based on Trump's platform and campaign speeches, he agrees with many of the proposals in Project 2025.

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Like giving himself the power to radically expand the number of political appointees in government and eliminating the Department of Education, which we will get more into.

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So don't you worry about that.

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So all this to say, trump and those loyal to him are all over this thing.

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He can say what he wants, but we all know all he does is lie.

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He doesn't have a formal tie or relationship with them now, but he will once the election is over, if he wins.

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Yeah, I didn't put it in here, but I remember reading somewhere that basically, people in Project 2025 were like he can deny it now, Like that's fine, he has to focus on winning.

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We'll be here after, Like that's exactly like they're there for when he wins, so Okay.

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So if that wasn't enough to tie it all together for you, let's talk about JD Vance and his ties to Project 2025.

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So Kevin Roberts and if you listened to our last episode on this, Kevin Roberts is the guy who had all the awful quotes.

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He's the president of the Heritage Foundation.

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He said at the organization's policy fest in Milwaukee the same week of the RNC that he is good friends with Vance and that the Heritage Foundation had been privately rooting for Trump to choose Vance as his running mate.

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That's all.

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According to the Associated Press, If you didn't listen to our first episode on Project 2025, this man wrote the foreword and, like I said, he had tons of crazy quotes.

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But the foreword that he wrote is extremely extreme and divisive.

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He's the same man who recently said on a podcast in quotes here we are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

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One of my new favorite quotes Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha.

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This man, oh man, he's so bad.

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So anyway, during the week of the RNC, roberts went on to say about Vance in quotes here, in terms of policy, he understands the moment we're in in this country, which is that we have a limited amount of time to implement great policy on behalf of forgotten Americans.

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In a clip of Vance speaking at last year's Heritage Foundation Leadership Summit, he said I want to thank especially Kevin Roberts and all of the Heritage Foundation for 50 years of incredible work on conservative policy.

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Vance went on to say we are gonna hopefully in 2024, take back the White House and this organization is gonna play a major role in helping us figure out how to govern at the White House, at the Senate, at the House and all across our country.

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So, kevin, thank you for your leadership and thanks for being at the forefront of the things that matter, kevin.

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Roberts also has a book coming out in September, if you haven't heard.

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And the book's foreword is written by do you want to guess, sarah?

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Does his name ride with?

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Jd Vance, winner, winner, and in this foreword he praises its ideas.

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He says never before has a figure with Robert's depth and stature within the American right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism.

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We are now all realizing that it's time to circle the wagons and load the muskets.

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In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.

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How do we feel about the rhetoric?

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Circle the wagons and load the muskets.

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What are we?

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What year is it?

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Well, you know what year they want to go back to.

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I don't know why you're surprised.

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Yeah like 1918-hundreds, honestly, yeah, yeah.

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But also just like surprised the rhetoric right the whole, like let's tame down the rhetoric, we don't call for violence on our side argument, yeah, wrong, right, okay.

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So what ideas are these that vance is suggesting are so great?

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You might ask that question.

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I asked that question.

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Well, just like vance, roberts is obsessed with the idea that the left controls major american institutions.

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He lists things like ivy league colleges, the fbi, the new york times, the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, the department of education and even the boy scouts of america.

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The book argues that conservatives need to burn down these institutions if were to preserve the American way of life.

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The Boy Scouts of America thing.

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If I were to guess, he's probably pissed that the Boy Scouts of America are now allowing girls to join, but anyways, I'm just going to leave that there.

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So, anyways, jd Vance's views line up with Kevin and Project 2025 in other areas as well.

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For example, both have made calls to fully eliminate abortion.

00:08:43.615 --> 00:08:46.908
Wow, I'm shocked so truly.

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What we're trying to say here is that they run with these folks, they partner with them and they absolutely know them, and many of them will have prominent positions in a Trump administration.

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All right.

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So we promised last episode we would provide receipts.

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So there you go, trump and JD Vance all over Project 2025.

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So let's actually dive into the policy document now.

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We are going to start, just like this episode, with how and just really generally getting into Project 2025, with how this document lays out a plan for Trump to consolidate power under himself in the executive branch.

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And we're starting here because, personally, after just going through all of this, I think it really helps to understand how he'll get some of the rest of the things we're going to talk about later done.

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I know some of them, when we talk about them, seem so extreme and folks that sometimes are hearing them are like he won't be able to do that.

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That's not possible.

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But a big part of how he could do some of that, or how the folks who wrote this plan for him to do it it all really starts with giving the executive branch more power than they have today and, spoiler alert, that's not a good thing for our whole system of checks and balances and the whole three equal branches of government vibe we have going on here in America.

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So we're going to start with how Trump will gain power by politicizing the civil service.

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And let's start by talking about what the civil service is.

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So it's the permanent professional branches of a government's administration, excluding military and judicial branches and elected politicians.

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So it's made up of civilians and currently has about 2.2 million employees.

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These employees perform virtually all the functions of the federal government, from operating our national parks to protecting our national security, and maybe this sounds like a lot of folks, but here's a fun fact for you the total number of federal civil servants today is roughly the same as it was in the late 1960s, although the US population has grown by more than 60% since then.

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Over 70% of the civil service works in defense and security-related departments, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense, and nearly one-third of civil servants are, in fact, veterans.

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Okay, so we now know what it is.

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Let's talk a little bit about how and why it operates independently Keyword independently there.

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So for nearly 150 years, federal law has sought to ensure these employees are hired and fired based on merit and are empowered to exercise independent judgment without fear of political retaliation.

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These legal protections help the government to serve the public as a whole rather than a president's personal or political agenda, and this is so important because these workers and agencies collect and release vitally important data that citizens use to assess whether politicians are doing a good job.

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Think things like the unemployment rate, government spending figures, inflation, etc.

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Because of this, it is critical that the government agencies in charge of reporting this type of data are not corrupted by partisan considerations.

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They also do things like report on the weather and approve the use of drugs, just to name a few, and while these things seem like they shouldn't matter from administration to administration, they do, because things like climate change and access to drugs that are safe and effective for things like abortions have been politicized, among many other things that are now politicized.

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So what does this all mean for civil service jobs?

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It means that today, when a president is elected, he does not get to appoint those about 2.2 million positions.

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With that said, not all government employees are subject to this merit system.

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The government is also staffed by about 4,000 political appointees, aka folks the president does get to appoint.

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This includes 1,700 that must be confirmed by the US Senate.

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These individuals are at-will employees who are typically replaced with each new administration, and this is no small number of appointees.

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The United States is an outlier in having thousands of political appointees.

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According to Vanderbilt University political science professor David E Lewis, other developed democracies have between a few dozen and a few hundred political appointees.

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So the president does already get to appoint a large number of folks, but today they do not get to do things like appoint scientists at the FDA, so the Food and Drug Administration, or climate experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the NOAA, and there are a lot of agencies where this applies.

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Some other examples include USPS, the United States Postal Service, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, nasa, the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA, the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, the Department of Justice, doj, etc.

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Okay, so we understand a little bit about what the civil service is and how it operates today.

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Let's talk about what Project 2025 plans to do here.

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In their some 900 some page document, the long story short of it is instead of nonpartisan civil servants implementing policies on everything from health to education and climate, the executive branch would be filled with Trump loyalists, who he gets to appoint.

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So let's get into the details.

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In section one of this document called Taking the Reins of Government in the third chapter in this section, which is called Central Personnel Agencies Managing the Bureaucracy.

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Under this chapter, they explain that President Trump issued Executive Order 13957, also known as Schedule F.

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He issued this in October of 2020, right before the November 2020 election.

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Schedule F reclassifies tens of thousands of civil service employees involved in policy decisions as at-will employees.

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For these employees, it eliminates employment protections and it makes it much easier for a president to fire them and appoint new folks who are loyal to them or who would do that president's bidding.

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So realistically, after this move is made, if Trump is back in office, he could do things like appoint someone to the FDA to reverse the approval of Mifepristone, which is the first step of the abortion pill process, and that is that.

00:15:05.089 --> 00:15:08.056
That is not an unlikely thing for him to do.

00:15:08.316 --> 00:15:16.568
Is what we're trying to say here yeah, that would basically allow him to do a lot of things without congressional approval, so crazy.

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Okay, I know we just went a bit deep there into basically I don't know, hr like an hr department, but it's important to understand this component of the plan because it, like we said at the beginning, it's really a cornerstone of Project 2025 and would enable them to accomplish many of the other things they plan to do.

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So let's move on to how he will weaponize the Department of Justice and take it from an organization that is independent and is set to serve the people to one that will do his bidding and help him seek revenge, like he has promised, on his political adversaries.

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We'll start with this direct quote here from this section of the document.

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It says not reforming the Department of Justice will also guarantee the failure of that conservative administration's agenda in countless other ways, which I think just like sets a tone right, like why do you need control of the DOJ to get your agenda done?

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Are you doing things that will need to be investigated, things that are illegal?

00:16:09.535 --> 00:16:11.826
Like I mean, just Totus said.

00:16:12.307 --> 00:16:14.113
Yeah, that's certainly what it sounds like.

00:16:14.113 --> 00:16:15.236
Right, it's crazy.

00:16:15.236 --> 00:16:26.541
So the section on the DOJ starts off with some false information and propaganda, but goes on to lay out several things the next president must do in regard to the DOJ to restore the focus on public safety.

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We're going to cover just a few examples here in terms of overreach of power.

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The first is to restore the FBI's integrity, which you know that sounds nice but really is a power grab, and it really includes prohibiting the FBI from engaging in general in activities related to combating the spread of so-called misinformation and disinformation by Americans who are not tied to any plausible criminal activity activity.

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This also includes submitting a legislative proposal to Congress to eliminate the 10-year term for the director of the FBI, because they want the director to remain politically accountable to the president.

00:17:02.828 --> 00:17:04.836
The director of the FBI.

00:17:05.317 --> 00:17:09.368
The director of the FBI to be politically accountable to the president.

00:17:09.368 --> 00:17:11.753
I mean, that sounds handy, doesn't it?

00:17:11.753 --> 00:17:14.288
They just say, like what should be the quiet part?

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Out loud, like literally right, like hey, we want the FBI to report directly to me.

00:17:19.992 --> 00:17:23.147
Basically, it's just insane, it absolutely is insane.

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Like do his bidding, okay.

00:17:25.153 --> 00:17:35.355
So the second thing we're going to touch on here in regards to their whole mandate around public safety under the DOJ section, is they want to renew the DOJ's focus on violent crime.

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So this includes targeting violent and career criminals, not parents, is their statement.

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And if you're wondering what the fuck does that even mean because I was well, you aren't alone, but don't worry, I'll give you the example they give.

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They say that things like Attorney General Merrick Garland's October 4th 2021 memorandum, which directed the commitment of significant resources and energies to combat what they call, in quotes, imaginary, politically convenient threats of violence toward members of school boards and their staffs during the heat of the Virginia gubernatorial race.

00:18:08.848 --> 00:18:13.057
So I guess combating threats of violence to them equals bad.

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But anyway, who's shocked?

00:18:14.469 --> 00:18:33.599
And the whole like not parents thing in this whole thing, which I didn't write in here, but what I read from the doc was that there were parents there who were like advocating for, uh, I think, like masks, ban, like um masks, you know, like bands to go away or whatever, uh, return to school.

00:18:33.599 --> 00:18:38.365
I forget the policies, but whatever there were, parents are advocating, and their whole argument was like which?

00:18:38.365 --> 00:18:40.111
These people were the ones with threats of violence.

00:18:40.111 --> 00:18:45.295
They were saying that of course we were infringing on their First Amendment rights or whatever.

00:18:45.295 --> 00:18:52.474
I don't know the typical great kind of Trumper response any time violence or white supremacy groups do anything.

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Not saying that these parents were white supremacy, but you know what I mean.

00:19:00.125 --> 00:19:02.250
That same vibe was the idea behind this whole target violent and career criminals, not parents thing.

00:19:02.290 --> 00:19:08.577
So they go on to say that we must also enhance the federal focus on and resources and jurisdictions with rule of law deficiencies.

00:19:08.577 --> 00:19:20.517
And really this is just a fancy way of them saying that when they yell about giving state and local government more power, they only want to do that and they only mean that when those yell about giving state and local government more power, they only want to do that and they only mean that when those states and local governments do what they want them to do.

00:19:20.517 --> 00:19:33.528
The section basically says that if a local jurisdiction is not prosecuting crimes as they see fit, this will give the DOJ power to come in and do it, and they can even then prosecute those local officials if they deem necessary.

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So examples of what this could mean right is if I don't know like a blue state doesn't prosecute someone for abortion the DOJ could come in and do it.

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Maybe they think in a certain jurisdiction they're not prosecuting like immigration or illegal immigration hard enough.

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The DOJ will step in and do it.

00:19:51.925 --> 00:19:53.510
So that's kind of the examples.

00:19:53.951 --> 00:20:01.086
That's terrifying, stepping into it.

00:20:01.086 --> 00:20:01.867
So that's kind of the examples.

00:20:01.867 --> 00:20:02.348
That's terrifying, yep.

00:20:02.368 --> 00:20:03.490
Because Trump would be in charge of blah, blah, blah.

00:20:03.490 --> 00:20:05.314
Okay, it'd be his DOJ department.

00:20:06.556 --> 00:20:07.317
Anything he wants.

00:20:07.317 --> 00:20:20.194
And lastly, in an effort to restore public safety, they would pursue a national security agenda aimed at external state and non-state actors, not US citizens exercising their constitutional rights.

00:20:20.194 --> 00:20:30.352
So, basically, they want to stop investigations and intelligence operations when it comes to white supremacy groups and domestic terrorism, which has been on the rise in the last decade.

00:20:31.013 --> 00:20:34.894
So, good stuff so in summary here Really great stuff, yeah, really great stuff.

00:20:35.214 --> 00:20:35.434

00:20:35.434 --> 00:20:40.016
So in summary here this project would allow Trump to weaponize the DOJ.

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By overhauling it, it will give Trump power to investigate his opponents.

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Project 2025 would move the Justice Department and all of its law enforcement arms, like the FBI, directly under president control.

00:20:51.807 --> 00:21:02.817
It calls for a top-to-bottom overhaul and for the administration to go over its investigations with a fine-tooth comb to nix any the president doesn't like.

00:21:02.817 --> 00:21:12.836
This would dramatically weaken the independence of federal law enforcement agencies, not to mention, like the active DOJ investigations against Donald Trump.

00:21:13.337 --> 00:21:15.042
They would just magically disappear.

00:21:15.042 --> 00:21:16.006
I'm sure investigations against.

00:21:16.026 --> 00:21:16.266
Donald Trump.

00:21:16.266 --> 00:21:17.367
They would just magically disappear, I'm sure.

00:21:17.367 --> 00:21:18.210
Okay, let's wrap it up.

00:21:18.210 --> 00:21:28.627
So this is a like we said a million times a 900-some page document, and there is absolutely more.

00:21:28.647 --> 00:21:38.077
We did not cover it all, but hopefully this helps you understand just a little bit, like on a deeper level, of what's going on here and how Trump and team you know really would get in there and abuse power if given the chance again here, and how Trump and team you know really would get in there and abuse power if given the chance again.

00:21:38.077 --> 00:21:38.558
So let's recap a bit.

00:21:38.558 --> 00:21:44.337
First, we shared some ways both Trump and Vance are tied in I shouldn't say some ways in so many ways to Project 2025.

00:21:44.337 --> 00:21:55.111
Then we explained how Project 2025 lays out a plan to politicize the civil service and give Trump a ton of room to make drastic changes through federal agencies without any congressional approval.

00:21:55.111 --> 00:22:07.992
And, lastly, we shared how he would weaponize the DOJ to go after his rivals or really anyone he deems has wronged him, as well as abuse power over states and local governments when he does not agree with the way they are handling prosecutions.

00:22:08.856 --> 00:22:14.092
So that's like no big deal or anything, no big deal, no big deal.

00:22:14.332 --> 00:22:30.536
Obviously we say that yeah, Maybe we should just make a callback I didn't write it in our episode script but like we did a whole episode on how Donald Trump's a threat to democracy and we talked about election manipulation and executive overreach and this whole document we just went through is just a whole big thing of executive overreach.

00:22:31.486 --> 00:22:35.694
So go back and listen to that one and share it with friends and family.

00:22:35.694 --> 00:22:37.198
Share this with friends and family.

00:22:37.198 --> 00:22:42.817
We need people to be aware of Project 2025 and understand what's at stake in this election.

00:22:42.817 --> 00:22:49.047
Like we're so serious, but also we love you all and thank you so much for listening and we will catch you next time.

00:22:49.047 --> 00:22:50.327
Thanks all.

00:22:50.327 --> 00:22:59.298
Thanks for joining us for today's episode.

00:22:59.298 --> 00:23:00.861
We really appreciate the support.

00:23:01.522 --> 00:23:06.296
We would also really appreciate it if you hit the follow button and share this episode with anyone you think would enjoy it.

00:23:06.785 --> 00:23:09.575
And we'd like to thank Kevin Tanner, who edited this episode.

00:23:09.575 --> 00:23:14.817
If you're interested in learning more about him and his services, his website and Instagram are in the show notes.

00:23:15.305 --> 00:23:16.546
With that, we'll see you next week.

00:23:27.917 --> 00:23:32.990
In addition to Trump talking directly about and praising this plan, he's supposedly oh fuck, there's no comma there.

00:23:32.990 --> 00:23:34.212
Sorry, there's no commas.

00:23:34.212 --> 00:23:35.416
I told you I didn't reread through this, so it's just tick.

00:23:35.436 --> 00:23:36.098
Oh fuck, there's no comma there.

00:23:36.098 --> 00:23:36.580
Sorry, there's no commas.

00:23:36.580 --> 00:23:39.385
I told you I didn't reread through this so it's just.

00:23:40.789 --> 00:23:44.759
No, I mean I put a comma in there and there's not supposed to be.

00:23:44.838 --> 00:23:45.684
Oh, I see you were right.

00:23:45.684 --> 00:23:48.011
Well, I probably am also missing a shit ton of commas everywhere.

00:23:48.011 --> 00:23:48.333

00:23:51.526 --> 00:23:54.471
He understands the moment we're in in this country.

00:23:57.365 --> 00:23:58.247
He, he understands the moment we're in in this country.

00:23:58.247 --> 00:23:58.773
He understands the moment we're in.

00:24:00.648 --> 00:24:08.324
I don't know so folks, they run with these folks, too many folks in one sentence.

00:24:08.324 --> 00:24:18.259
Yeah, sorry, it's okay, it's the Midwest in you.

00:24:20.396 --> 00:24:20.759
Currently numbers.

00:24:20.759 --> 00:24:23.288
You could probably just say yes, I don't know.

00:24:24.730 --> 00:24:25.232
You're like 2.2.

00:24:25.232 --> 00:24:27.076
I thought you were going to go by the numbers.

00:24:27.076 --> 00:24:29.913
Sorry, I wish you could have seen your face.

00:24:29.913 --> 00:24:33.759
You're like 2.2.

00:24:33.759 --> 00:24:36.296
Well, I left out a lot of words.

00:24:36.296 --> 00:24:40.449
They do not get a whole sentence.

00:24:40.449 --> 00:24:43.115
Yeah, there's like a lot of words.

00:24:43.115 --> 00:24:44.378
They do not get a whole sentence.

00:24:44.378 --> 00:24:45.320
There's like a lot of words.

00:24:45.320 --> 00:24:45.981
I just skipped, that's okay.

00:24:45.981 --> 00:24:46.323
Wow Words.

00:24:46.323 --> 00:24:46.904
I'm just starting over.

00:24:46.904 --> 00:24:49.227
Liddle, liddle, liddle.

00:24:52.151 --> 00:24:54.554
Actually, what is wrong with you?

00:24:57.298 --> 00:24:58.839
I have that question every day as well.

00:24:58.839 --> 00:24:59.400
I'm not sure.

00:24:59.400 --> 00:25:01.872
Is that what?

00:25:01.912 --> 00:25:02.473
it is today.

00:25:02.473 --> 00:25:05.030
Sorry, I didn't listen to you for a second.

00:25:05.792 --> 00:25:06.314
No, that's okay.

00:25:06.314 --> 00:25:06.915
I think it was wrong.

00:25:06.915 --> 00:25:08.019
I'm actually confident it was wrong.

00:25:08.019 --> 00:25:08.579
I'm going to start over.

00:25:08.579 --> 00:25:10.265
I actually didn't listen to you.

00:25:12.253 --> 00:25:16.830
I was drinking my water and I was trying to set it down really quiet there was a lot to focus on, yeah.