Aug. 27, 2024

Kamala Harris: Why She's a Badass and Totally Qualified for POTUS

In episode 88, we dive into the candidacy of Kamala Harris for President and review her lengthy and impressive resume.

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This episode was edited by Kevin Tanner. Learn more about him and his services here:

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00:00 - Kamala Harris

12:34 - Kamala Harris

24:33 - Planning the Biden-Harris Blueprint


00:00:00.180 --> 00:00:02.166
Which is just insane that we even had to just talk about that.

00:00:02.166 --> 00:00:04.926
To be honest, I know it's such an insane thing that we just had to cover.

00:00:04.926 --> 00:00:12.351
The fact that we had to come out and say having kids does not or does disqualify you from being a president is just an insane statement.

00:00:12.391 --> 00:00:13.374
But anyway Astonishing.

00:00:21.161 --> 00:00:25.701
Welcome back to the United she Stands podcast, the show that brings kindness and women into politics.

00:00:25.701 --> 00:00:26.582
I'm Ashley.

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And I'm Sarah, and we're two women from Ohio who are here to become more educated about American politics and build a community so we can all get involved and make an impact together.

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We hope we'll inspire and empower you along the way.

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Hello party people.

00:00:52.715 --> 00:00:55.917
Welcome back to another episode of the United she Stands podcast.

00:00:55.917 --> 00:01:03.804
So we now know that current Vice President Kamala Harris is officially our Democratic nominee for the President of the United States this November.

00:01:03.804 --> 00:01:16.647
With that news, other than being through the roof excited, we also wanted to dedicate an episode to Kamala and talk about how much of a badass she is and how qualified she is for the role of President of the United States.

00:01:16.647 --> 00:01:18.265
Doesn't that sound like fun?

00:01:18.265 --> 00:01:19.268
It does.

00:01:19.268 --> 00:01:23.551
And, to be clear, this episode could have been hours long.

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We really tried to just focus on the highlights and not get too far down the rabbit hole to keep this episode as short and as digestible as possible.

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Also, we just want to say here that we can't stress enough how thankful we are that President Biden stepped out of the race and endorsed Kamala.

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It took an extreme amount of courage and humility to be willing to step aside and let someone with a little more stamina step up as the potential leader of our country.

00:01:47.614 --> 00:01:49.385
So shout out to Biden.

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We appreciate this act of patriotism from the bottom of our heart.

00:01:52.968 --> 00:01:54.881
We really do so.

00:01:54.881 --> 00:01:57.087
Beer, what are we drinking?

00:01:57.590 --> 00:01:57.891

00:01:57.891 --> 00:02:00.260
I have non-alcoholic beer today.

00:02:00.260 --> 00:02:06.683
It's Athletic Brewing Co and it's their Wits Peak, which is a Belgian style white, and it's very delicious.

00:02:06.683 --> 00:02:11.992
These NAs are very impressive lately, like they are good these days.

00:02:11.992 --> 00:02:12.454
It's crazy.

00:02:12.939 --> 00:02:17.461
I have heard incredible things about athletic brewing, Like they are just dominating the NA beer.

00:02:18.484 --> 00:02:21.819
I think that's my first athletic but yeah, I really like it oh really yeah.

00:02:22.341 --> 00:02:24.044
I first learned about it from Money with Katie.

00:02:24.044 --> 00:02:25.305
She loves athletic brewing.

00:02:25.305 --> 00:02:27.268
Oh really yeah.

00:02:27.268 --> 00:02:34.465
I am drinking a Ata Wata, which is Jackie O's new Mexican lager.

00:02:34.465 --> 00:02:43.544
That is a collab with the band Camp, so Ashley is very proud of me for drinking a Mexican lager and it is really hitting the spot.

00:02:43.544 --> 00:02:47.391
So this might not be the last you hear of me drinking one on the podcast.

00:02:47.391 --> 00:02:50.641
Yeah, because they're refreshing as fuck they really are.

00:02:50.641 --> 00:02:51.865
This is great.

00:02:51.965 --> 00:02:54.128
They're easy drinking beers.

00:02:54.128 --> 00:02:56.420
You wonder why I always grab for it.

00:02:56.420 --> 00:02:58.126
It's because it's an easy drinking beer.

00:02:58.126 --> 00:02:59.691
It's refreshing, it's easy to drink.

00:02:59.691 --> 00:03:01.524
There's good things about it.

00:03:01.524 --> 00:03:04.431
A little lime I don't have a lime, but like a little lime in the summer.

00:03:04.431 --> 00:03:04.992
It's crazy.

00:03:05.454 --> 00:03:11.748
Yeah, and this is five and a half percent, and I'm usually like, I'm usually drinking IPAs that are at least seven, so this is a nice change.

00:03:11.889 --> 00:03:13.712
Yeah, exactly.

00:03:13.712 --> 00:03:16.103
Okay, let's jump in.

00:03:16.103 --> 00:03:26.069
So we're going to start by saying anyone literally anyone, is better than Trump and we cannot emphasize that enough.

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If you listened to any of our previous episodes in the past couple of weeks, I think you probably know that that's how we feel and we're going to emphasize that.

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But that will be the last time you hear us say that, because we are not going to take anything away from Kamala's qualifications.

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We fully believe she is qualified and is a great option, and we'll get into all of the why here after this little ramp.

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But I mean, come on the whole, I'm not going to vote, or I might vote, for Trump because I don't think Kamala is a leader or I don't like her or whatever the argument is.

00:03:53.332 --> 00:03:56.546
It is honestly irrational and very short-sighted.

00:03:56.546 --> 00:03:58.145
We know Trump isn't a leader.

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We know he will do damaging things.

00:04:00.388 --> 00:04:03.789
So again, literally anyone is better than Trump being in office.

00:04:03.789 --> 00:04:11.201
We recorded an episode all about the threat of another Trump presidential term a few weeks ago, so if you haven't, you can go listen to that.

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Maybe that can help you convince anyone who still needs convincing.

00:04:14.692 --> 00:04:22.824
But for now, today we are going to focus on Kamala and all of her qualifications, and we're going to start with a little bit of her personal background.

00:04:23.764 --> 00:04:24.485
That is right.

00:04:24.485 --> 00:04:30.355
So Vice President Harris was born in Oakland, california, on October 20th 1964.

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To save you some mental math here, she's currently 59 years old.

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Joe Biden is 81 and Donald Trump is 78.

00:04:38.149 --> 00:04:41.509
She is literally a spring chicken compared to them.

00:04:41.509 --> 00:04:45.129
So anyway, she's a daughter of immigrants.

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Her father is from Jamaica and her mother is from Southern India.

00:04:48.028 --> 00:04:52.184
She grew up surrounded by a diverse community and a loving, extended family.

00:04:52.184 --> 00:05:06.512
She and her sister, maya, were inspired by their mother, Shyamala Kapelan, a breast cancer scientist and pioneer in her own right, who came to the United States from India at the age of 19 and then received her doctorate in the same year that Kamala was born.

00:05:07.040 --> 00:05:14.747
Both of the vice president's parents were active in the civil rights movement and instilled in her a commitment to build strong coalitions that fight for the rights and freedoms of all people.

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They brought her to civil rights marches in a stroller and taught her about heroes like Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and civil rights leader Constance Baker Motley.

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There's a famous piece of advice Kamala's mother gave her that she is committed to fulfilling In quotes here Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.

00:05:34.055 --> 00:05:34.918
Damn, I love that so much.

00:05:34.918 --> 00:05:40.242
I remember like when she was announced or Biden endorsed her or whatever, like that quote was flying around social and I was just like I want that on a shirt.

00:05:40.242 --> 00:05:41.762
I know I love it so much and like, want that on a shirt.

00:05:41.783 --> 00:05:43.365
I know I love it so much.

00:05:43.365 --> 00:05:52.536
And as we go through all of her credentials here, you will see that she is the first of many things and it's just oh my gosh, it's just so incredible.

00:05:52.536 --> 00:06:00.069
So Kamala went on to graduate from Howard University and the University of California Hastings College of Law.

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In 2014, she married Douglas Emhoff, who is a lawyer.

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They have a large blended family that includes their children, ella and Cole, who are Kamala's stepchildren.

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They call her Mamala.

00:06:09.848 --> 00:06:13.153
How cute is that that is so cute actually.

00:06:13.853 --> 00:06:17.822
It's so adorable, such a good stepmom name.

00:06:17.822 --> 00:06:19.144
I mean, you know, I know, I know.

00:06:19.144 --> 00:06:24.392
So I feel like this is a good time to briefly talk about the whole childless cat lady thing that's been blowing up the internet.

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In a 2021 interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, then Senate candidate Vance, complained that the US was being run by Democrats, corporate oligarchs and, in quotes here, a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.

00:06:43.502 --> 00:06:44.264
End quote.

00:06:44.264 --> 00:06:48.252
He went on to say quotes it's just a basic fact.

00:06:48.252 --> 00:06:54.826
You look at Kamala Harris, pete Buttigieg, aoc.

00:06:54.826 --> 00:06:55.562
The entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.

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And how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it?

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End quote.

00:07:01.470 --> 00:07:03.745
What the actual fuck?

00:07:03.745 --> 00:07:06.004
He's really something.

00:07:06.807 --> 00:07:19.437
Yeah, that is a very kind way to put it yeah, so a video of the interview recently resurfaced on social media, as did an unrelated 2021 tweet in which vance used the term in quotes weird cat ladies as an insult.

00:07:19.437 --> 00:07:36.942
Vance has called falling us birth rates a civilizational crisis and advocated in recent years that adults without children should pay higher taxes and have fewer voting rights, and his cat lady comments, amplified online by Vice President Harris's presidential campaign, definitely did not land well, to say the least.

00:07:36.942 --> 00:07:51.192
In a statement to NBC News, Kirsten Emhoff, Kamala's husband's ex-wife, called Vance's attacks faceless and added that in quotes here for over 10 years, since Cole and Ella were teenagers, Kamala has been a co-parent with Doug and I.

00:07:51.192 --> 00:07:54.589
She is loving, nurturing, fiercely protective and always present.

00:07:54.589 --> 00:07:57.348
I love our blended family and am grateful to have her in it.

00:07:57.348 --> 00:08:07.035
I feel like Kirsten speaking out like that is Just the ultimate mic drop I mean, that's his ex-wife Like that doesn't say anything about her character.

00:08:07.346 --> 00:08:08.612
I mean, I don't know.

00:08:08.612 --> 00:08:10.271
I could not agree more.

00:08:10.271 --> 00:08:13.475
The ultimate mic drop Go Kirsten, yeah.

00:08:13.475 --> 00:08:19.858
So can we just point out that no other president has birthed a child either, because they were all men.

00:08:19.858 --> 00:08:24.709
It doesn't matter whether politicians have kids or have physically given birth to any children.

00:08:24.709 --> 00:08:26.572
Doesn't matter whether politicians have kids or have physically given birth to any children.

00:08:26.572 --> 00:08:41.068
Politicians must pursue policies that will make life better for children and parents and who understand that all of us, kids or no kids, have a stake in that and, quite frankly, kamala does pursue those policies.

00:08:41.068 --> 00:08:44.019
We'll touch on her dedication to reproductive rights later in this episode, but she also has done a lot for maternal rights.

00:08:44.019 --> 00:08:53.445
In June 2022, she announced the Biden-Harris administration's blueprint for addressing the maternal health care crisis, an effort to combat maternal mortality and morbidity.

00:08:53.985 --> 00:09:06.062
Yeah, and I will just add I know she is, I think, the first major presidential nominee to fully go forward and be all for paid parental leave.

00:09:06.062 --> 00:09:08.304
Um, love it, which is huge, obviously.

00:09:08.304 --> 00:09:16.192
Or just you know the whole argument of she doesn't have any stakes for kids whatever, which is just insane, that we even had to just talk about that.

00:09:16.192 --> 00:09:18.990
To be honest, I know such an insane thing that we just had to cover.

00:09:18.990 --> 00:09:27.418
The fact that we had to come out and say having kids does not or does disqualify you from being a president is just an insane statement, but astonishing.

00:09:27.418 --> 00:09:30.594
Here's the Republican world we're living in.

00:09:30.705 --> 00:09:46.855
Ok, so, in regards to the Biden-Harris administration's blueprint for addressing the maternal health crisis, here's a few of the many things the administration has accomplished they created the first ever baseline federal health and safety requirements for maternal emergency and obstetric services and hospitals.

00:09:46.855 --> 00:09:56.308
They extended postpartum Medicaid coverage from two to 12 months, providing life-saving coverage to hundreds of thousands of new moms, and encouraged states to cover doula services.

00:09:56.308 --> 00:10:03.076
They created a new birthing-friendly hospital designation so that women can more easily find high-quality maternity care.

00:10:03.076 --> 00:10:11.458
And they launched the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline, which has connected nearly 38,000 individuals to free, confidential, 24-7 support.

00:10:11.458 --> 00:10:12.888
For those who don't know.

00:10:12.888 --> 00:10:19.756
Behavioral health issues, such as maternal depression, are the most common complications of pregnancy and childbirth, so this was a very important accomplishment.

00:10:19.756 --> 00:10:37.254
This isn't an exhaustive list of the benefits from the Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis or an exhaustive list of the types of policies that make life better for children and parents, but we did want to give you some proof of Kamala supporting and implementing significant policies that support families, even though she never birthed a child.

00:10:37.796 --> 00:10:49.113
I feel like we could talk about this for the whole episode, but we're going to stop here, as the whole childless cat lady thing is utterly ridiculous and doesn't deserve any more attention from here on out, unless it's a funny meme, true.

00:10:50.426 --> 00:10:53.254
So let's talk about Kamala's career before becoming VP.

00:10:53.254 --> 00:10:59.985
First and foremost, kamala Harris has devoted her career to fighting for the people, and that'll become very evident throughout this episode.

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In 1990, kamala joined the Oakland's Alameda County District Attorney's Office, where she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases.

00:11:08.296 --> 00:11:19.380
She spent three decades as a prosecutor and also spent time serving as a deputy district attorney for Alameda County before she was elected in 2004 to be district attorney of San Francisco.

00:11:19.380 --> 00:11:28.399
By the way, she got reelected to this job for a second term, so she served as the San Francisco District Attorney from 2004 to 2011.

00:11:28.399 --> 00:11:38.057
In this role, she was a national leader in the movement for LGBTQ plus rights, officiating the first same-sex wedding after Proposition 8 was overturned.

00:11:38.057 --> 00:11:55.918
As the DA, she also established the office's Environmental Justice Unit and created a groundbreaking program to provide first-time drug offenders with the opportunity to earn a high school degree and find employment, which the US Department of Justice designated as a national model of innovation for law enforcement.

00:11:56.424 --> 00:12:03.448
In 2011, harris became the first Black American, first woman and first Asian American elected to be the Attorney General of California.

00:12:03.448 --> 00:12:10.918
She was also re-elected for this job, so she was a California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017.

00:12:10.918 --> 00:12:15.190
In this role, she oversaw the largest state justice department in the country.

00:12:15.190 --> 00:12:28.975
She took on those who were preying on the American people, winning a $20 billion settlement for Californians whose homes had been foreclosed on and a $1.1 billion settlement for students and veterans who were taken advantage of by a for-profit education company.

00:12:28.975 --> 00:12:33.518
She also defended the Affordable Care Act in court and enforced environmental laws.

00:12:34.221 --> 00:12:39.216
Kamala's next journey began in 2016, when she ran for the United States Senate to represent California.

00:12:39.216 --> 00:12:40.988
Are we shocked that she won?

00:12:40.988 --> 00:12:42.431
No, no, we're not.

00:12:42.431 --> 00:12:47.594
Neither were former President Barack Obama and then VP Joe Biden who endorsed her campaign.

00:12:47.594 --> 00:12:52.417
She was the first Black woman from California and the second in the nation's history to earn that job.

00:12:52.417 --> 00:12:55.514
She was also the nation's first Indian American senator.

00:12:55.514 --> 00:12:59.633
Like just wow, how freaking cool is that she is.

00:12:59.913 --> 00:13:01.125
She's pretty cool, Okay.

00:13:01.125 --> 00:13:14.562
So as a senator of California, she championed legislation to fight hunger, provide rent relief, improve maternal health care, expand access to capital for small businesses, revitalize America's infrastructure and combat the climate crisis.

00:13:14.562 --> 00:13:18.515
She questioned two Supreme Court nominees while serving on the Judiciary Committee.

00:13:18.515 --> 00:13:27.918
She also worked to keep the American people safe from foreign threats and crafted bipartisan legislation to assist in securing American elections while serving on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

00:13:27.918 --> 00:13:33.720
And don't worry, we haven't even gotten to her accomplishments from her time as our vice president.

00:13:33.720 --> 00:13:39.325
I strongly argue that she's extremely qualified, just from what we've already covered, but don't worry, there's more.

00:13:40.187 --> 00:13:50.793
On January 20th 2021, kamala Harris was sworn in as vice president, the first woman, the first Black American and the first South Asian American to be elected to this position.

00:13:50.793 --> 00:13:55.533
Chills, ash, did you watch her being sworn in?

00:13:55.533 --> 00:13:56.375
I think I know the answer.

00:13:56.845 --> 00:13:59.013
Yeah, I absolutely did, and I'm pretty sure I cried.

00:13:59.725 --> 00:14:00.966
I a thousand percent cried.

00:14:00.966 --> 00:14:04.991
I was like this moment, I, yeah, yeah, I really like.

00:14:04.991 --> 00:14:28.086
At that point in time I didn't know much about her at all, but I was still just so fucking jazzed that I saw the first woman or whatever.

00:14:28.106 --> 00:14:30.495
Just to see a female being put in the second highest position next to the president in America.

00:14:30.495 --> 00:14:31.198
I mean, it was just I remember.

00:14:31.198 --> 00:14:32.745
I don't think I'll ever forget actually watching that?

00:14:33.525 --> 00:14:35.352
Totally agree, Absolutely groundbreaking.

00:14:35.352 --> 00:14:44.485
So as vice president, she has worked to bring people together to advance opportunity, deliver for families and protect fundamental freedoms across the country.

00:14:44.485 --> 00:14:48.817
She has led the fight for freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies.

00:14:48.817 --> 00:14:55.293
She did this by launching a nationwide Fight for Reproductive Freedom tour, highlighting the harm caused by abortion bans.

00:14:55.293 --> 00:15:03.356
She called on Congress to restore the protections of Roe v Wade after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in 2022.

00:15:03.356 --> 00:15:07.868
She has also led the fight for the freedom to live safe from gun violence.

00:15:07.868 --> 00:15:11.697
In fact, she oversees the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

00:15:11.697 --> 00:15:23.350
With her leadership, the administration was able to pass the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant legislation action in nearly 30 years, among other things like expanding background checks.

00:15:24.033 --> 00:15:29.293
She's also passionate about, and has led the fights for, the freedom to vote and the freedom to drink clean water and breathe clean air.

00:15:29.293 --> 00:15:35.293
While making history at home, she is also representing the nation abroad, embarking on more than a dozen foreign trips.

00:15:35.293 --> 00:15:41.657
She's traveled to more than 19 countries and has met with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen critical global alliances.

00:15:41.657 --> 00:15:48.991
Maybe we know this from previous educational episodes of ours, but, just as a reminder, the vice president acts as the president of the Senate.

00:15:48.991 --> 00:15:59.173
Kamala has set a new record for the most tie-breaking votes cast by a VP in history, surpassing a record that had stood for nearly 200 years, and her votes have been consequential.

00:15:59.173 --> 00:16:07.317
This includes casting the decisive vote to secure passage of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment ever in tackling the climate crisis.

00:16:07.317 --> 00:16:21.614
She also presided over the unprecedented vote to confirm the first Black woman Justice, katonji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court, while working alongside President Biden to achieve historic representation of women and people of color among nominees at all levels of our federal government.

00:16:22.417 --> 00:16:25.311
So do we all think she's extremely qualified to be the president?

00:16:25.311 --> 00:16:25.412

00:16:25.412 --> 00:16:28.711
Do we all think she's extremely qualified to be the president, yet Do we all think she's an actual badass?

00:16:28.711 --> 00:16:30.836
Okay good, I'm so glad we're on the same page.

00:16:30.836 --> 00:16:53.240
There have been a couple of arguments people have been using to criticize Kamala, though, and we don't even have to touch on her being a woman, because obviously she's getting shit for that, and we already talked about the childless woman argument, which is infuriating, but anyway, let's talk instead about how people have been calling Kamala a failed borders are, which is someone who is in charge of immigration enforcement policies.

00:16:54.166 --> 00:17:02.009
So first of all, let's just start by saying no one has succeeded at the border Not Trump he had four years to do it.

00:17:02.009 --> 00:17:04.952
Not Biden, who technically was in charge for the last four years.

00:17:04.952 --> 00:17:10.696
And not Congress Absolutely not Congress, who intentionally made the border the current situation it is.

00:17:10.696 --> 00:17:15.076
They have all had a shot to do something and no one has made the situation better down there.

00:17:15.076 --> 00:17:22.140
It's a super complicated problem that involves humans and human lives and no one has been able to solve it.

00:17:22.140 --> 00:17:32.231
So holding Kamala to a standard where you won't vote for her because of this failing is illogical, especially because the other guy on the ballot also failed at this and kind of insane.

00:17:32.231 --> 00:17:35.648
Based on the other choice on the ballot, he couldn't fix it either.

00:17:36.392 --> 00:17:37.778
Exactly so.

00:17:37.778 --> 00:17:41.574
Second off, harris was actually never given the portfolio for a border czar.

00:17:41.574 --> 00:17:42.940
The position doesn't exist.

00:17:42.940 --> 00:17:58.172
Biden asked Harris to lead diplomatic efforts to reduce root causes of migration like poverty, violence and corruption in Central America's Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, honduras and El Salvador, as well as engage with Mexico on the issue.

00:17:58.172 --> 00:18:08.247
It was similar to the job that Biden had when he was vice president Alan Beerson, who is a special representative for border affairs under Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

00:18:08.247 --> 00:18:21.902
He said in an interview quotes here it's hard in a short period of time to come up with a strategy that impacts the very real and complicated psychological decision-making that people in those countries go through when they're deciding to come to the United States.

00:18:21.902 --> 00:18:22.684
End quote.

00:18:23.566 --> 00:18:25.834
The White House, of course, defends Kamala's work on the border.

00:18:25.834 --> 00:18:36.800
They say she continues to lead the effort to address the root cause of migration, including by generating more than $5.2 billion in investments into the region to give people economic opportunity at home.

00:18:36.800 --> 00:18:40.089
The region to give people economic opportunity at home.

00:18:40.089 --> 00:18:45.132
These investments are creating jobs and have connected more than 4.5 million people to the internet and brought more than 2.5 million people into the formal financial system.

00:18:45.132 --> 00:19:00.134
Under Kamala's leadership, the Biden-Harris administration continues to implement the root causes strategy, through which the administration is on track to meet its commitment to provide $4 billion to the region over four years, and continues to work to combat corruption, reduce violence and empower women.

00:19:00.134 --> 00:19:08.815
And just one note here too, is dressing root cause takes time to see the benefits of that.

00:19:08.815 --> 00:19:10.621
So we'll just start with that.

00:19:10.621 --> 00:19:19.013
And second, we will start by saying that the Republicans and Democrats worked for months to create a bipartisan border deal.

00:19:19.013 --> 00:19:23.440
That was all you know, for all intents and purposes, looking great.

00:19:23.440 --> 00:19:24.361
People were on board.

00:19:25.065 --> 00:19:29.217
Trump came in and said we can't make that happen because I won't be able to campaign on the border.

00:19:29.217 --> 00:19:35.017
And it is on record from Republicans saying that they pulled out of that border deal because Trump told them to.

00:19:35.017 --> 00:19:39.834
So this whole border situation Congress should be legislating solutions to solve.

00:19:39.834 --> 00:19:50.710
They will not do their job, so Donald Trump can campaign on this exact issue, but anyway, Biden and Harris then did sign executive orders to try to do something and we have seen border crossing numbers come down.

00:19:50.710 --> 00:19:54.126
So all that to say once again, Donald Trump sucks.

00:19:54.126 --> 00:19:55.230
I don't know what else to say.

00:19:56.173 --> 00:19:56.976
Is that a good summary?

00:19:56.976 --> 00:20:01.997
That's our conclusion, for like everything nowadays, yeah it really is Okay.

00:20:02.057 --> 00:20:09.257
So, anyway, we say all this to just say that maybe she's not knocking the border issue out of the park, but also she could only do so much.

00:20:09.257 --> 00:20:13.557
But there has been some effort on her part made and there has been progress on her part made.

00:20:13.557 --> 00:20:15.429
So, but back to our first point.

00:20:15.429 --> 00:20:21.430
It's just a really complex issue and truly no one has excelled at this issue no one on the current ballot.

00:20:21.430 --> 00:20:27.153
So there it is, although I would argue Kamala and Biden have made decent improvements.

00:20:27.694 --> 00:20:38.895
Mm, hmm, yeah, and the fact that Trump is asking Republicans to not vote on something that would be helpful so he could campaign on it is just utter insanity.

00:20:40.067 --> 00:20:41.090
It's just the worst.

00:20:41.090 --> 00:20:48.432
I mean, if you really want what is best for America, like you, don't pull shit, like that it's awful, I agree.

00:20:49.665 --> 00:20:53.195
So the other argument we've often heard is that Kamala is a cop.

00:20:53.195 --> 00:21:02.636
The Kamala is a cop attack and viral meme became a mantra on the progressive left during the 2020 presidential primaries, when she had a short stint running for president.

00:21:02.636 --> 00:21:07.277
Referring to her as a cop is a reference to her time as the district attorney of San Francisco.

00:21:07.277 --> 00:21:17.156
Activists argued that being a DA was an inherently pro-police, pro-prisons job, a change Harris hasn't always shied away from in her political career.

00:21:17.156 --> 00:21:25.891
People accuse her of prosecutorial overreach and insufficiently opposing or even actively advancing the carceral state, which means the nature of a prison.

00:21:25.891 --> 00:21:29.666
They claim she was merely masquerading as a reformer and someone.

00:21:29.666 --> 00:21:33.676
As far as to call this half-Black politician anti-Black.

00:21:33.984 --> 00:21:44.578
Kamala's team has said, the memes and, most importantly, their origin of them at best are a manipulation of facts and at worst lies and designed to dissuade voters and stoke hate and skepticism based on race.

00:21:44.578 --> 00:21:56.099
Ultimately, her record shows how much more complicated and nuanced Harris's legal career was and how carefully she navigated a flawed and racist legal system, pushing for some reforms while looking to avoid landmines, while looking to avoid landmines.

00:21:56.099 --> 00:22:05.913
And I would just say this is such a funny argument to me because, like she's not, you know, left enough, but then the right attacks her for being like super left.

00:22:05.913 --> 00:22:09.190
Yeah, and it's just so interesting, right, like how different groups view her.

00:22:09.190 --> 00:22:11.353
But anyway, can you blame her?

00:22:11.353 --> 00:22:13.297
She was a district attorney, it was her job.

00:22:13.881 --> 00:22:24.789
Right, right, to end this Kamala hype episode, we'd love to quote her famous I know Donald Trump's type speech.

00:22:24.789 --> 00:22:26.714
She starts by talking about the many roles she held before coming vice president.

00:22:26.714 --> 00:22:36.448
She says in quotes here in those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds, predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.

00:22:36.448 --> 00:22:43.755
So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type and in this campaign I will proudly put my record against his.

00:22:44.405 --> 00:22:46.934
She is literally the exact opposite of Donald Trump.

00:22:46.934 --> 00:22:57.213
That should be extremely appealing as people are trying to decide who to vote for this November, and that, coupled with her age, I mean, come on, everyone was just saying anyone but these two old white guys.

00:22:57.213 --> 00:22:58.650
So here you go.

00:22:58.650 --> 00:22:59.594
Here she is.

00:22:59.594 --> 00:23:10.871
We fully support Kamala Harris and know she is more than capable of being our president and she would truly kick ass to this job, and we've already seen her implement policies we are for and really appreciate.

00:23:11.211 --> 00:23:12.777
Absolutely so.

00:23:12.777 --> 00:23:14.221
Please register to vote.

00:23:14.221 --> 00:23:15.444
Check your registration.

00:23:15.444 --> 00:23:20.528
We know it's August, but make your voting plan now Voting via absentee ballot.

00:23:20.528 --> 00:23:22.251
Go ahead and request a ballot today.

00:23:22.251 --> 00:23:24.577
Not sure you'll be around on election day.

00:23:24.577 --> 00:23:29.205
Put a block on your calendar for sometime during the weeks before the election to go to the polls early.

00:23:29.205 --> 00:23:32.298
Reach out to your friends and family and make them do the same.

00:23:32.298 --> 00:23:38.076
Kamala Harris currently sits at the cusp of breaking one of the highest glass ceilings in American life.

00:23:42.727 --> 00:23:44.976
Let's help her fucking shatter it.

00:23:44.976 --> 00:23:45.799
Let's fucking go.

00:23:45.799 --> 00:23:49.946
Thanks for listening.

00:23:49.946 --> 00:23:53.461
Thank you, guys for tuning in Share with a friend or a family member if they don't know much about Kamala and they want to know more.

00:23:53.480 --> 00:23:55.025
We'll catch you next week, bye, bye, bye, bye.

00:23:55.025 --> 00:24:04.195
Thanks for joining us for today's episode.

00:24:04.195 --> 00:24:05.798
We really appreciate the support.

00:24:06.439 --> 00:24:11.213
We would also really appreciate it if you hit the follow button and share this episode with anyone you think would enjoy it.

00:24:11.647 --> 00:24:14.471
And we'd like to thank Kevin Tanner, who edited this episode.

00:24:14.471 --> 00:24:19.730
If you're interested in learning more about him and his services, his website and Instagram are in the show notes.

00:24:20.231 --> 00:24:21.415
With that, we'll see you next week.

00:24:21.415 --> 00:24:37.445
I was going to say requirements, but that wasn't the right word In my head.

00:24:37.486 --> 00:24:38.587
I'm like she's got this in my head.

00:24:38.587 --> 00:24:41.272
I'm like she's got this, she's got that, she's got this, I got this I got it.

00:24:41.292 --> 00:24:45.098
I got it okay, the overall blueprint for the biden, harris.

00:24:45.098 --> 00:24:48.814
Um, let me start that over let me that over.

00:24:48.814 --> 00:25:00.883
She said so, in regards to the biden, harris administration's blueprint, blueprint Harris administration's blueprint Blueprint, blueprint, blueprint, blueprint.

00:25:01.886 --> 00:25:02.971
With her leadership.

00:25:03.532 --> 00:25:07.295
What Remind me of the Nemo and a mama.

00:25:07.925 --> 00:25:09.250
You know what I'm talking about.

00:25:09.250 --> 00:25:12.494
And then an enemy, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:25:12.494 --> 00:25:15.731
That word is so hard.